
Fucking Day: Witches of East End

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5 replies on “Fucking Day: Witches of East End”

it’s always been such a dealbreaker for me if a dude tries to jam me with his back snakes, but seeing that mandragora go to town makes me realise i was wrong all this time

I love that Asgard uses old timey phone numbers. And the chyron on “Big Head Mode” is perfect. It’s so early 7th gen. Great article.

“Any monsters created by women must be fuckable” is an obscure stereotype, to be sure, but it’s one I have the hardest time finding counterexamples of, at least dating back to Mary Shelley making sure Frankenstein’s Monster was handsome and eloquent, with the phenomenon likely hitting its nadir when Warm Bodies came out and finally introduced the fuckable zombie. Because nothing moistens up a female audience quite like rotting, flesh-eating walking corpses.

According to my folklore professor (no, I didn’t get a high-paying career after college, how did you know?) female-centric myths and fairytales were always about sex because that was the prime danger that a young woman had to learn about. Sometimes the dangers of sex were moral lessons, and sometimes they simply boiled down to “holy shit, men are awful; keep your guard up, young lady.”

Sadly, not a lot has changed today, although instead of naive women following the advice of wolves or peeking in their new husbands’ murder closets, they’re going all the way with blue tentacle dudes in order to learn the moral of the story.

The mandragora is actually not an OC. Well, I mean, THIS version is, but the name is from an actual mythological monster that they just tacked on this one. It’s supposed to be a sort of plant creature, somewhat related to the mandrake (those things that kill you with instant death shrieks if you pull them out of the ground). So I’m guessing the tentacles are supposed to be roots. This also probably means that Ingrid got a lot of foot-play.

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