
Reflecting Day: App Store Grifters

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7 replies on “Reflecting Day: App Store Grifters”

What baffles me is that people have ripped off Disney properties and somehow not been sued in to oblivion. Disney once sued a daycare for putting up a ton of painted Disney characters on their walls. #3 is…so much worse. And those app developers have way more money to fork over than some daycare.

I guess it’s the fact that the daycare is rooted in place. The overhead of litigation must be easier to justify when going after an actual brick-and-mortar business, in comparison to, like, three semi-sober Estonian dudes with laptops shoveling out Spider Hero Gangster Fister in a web cafe.

I love it when you guys come for Cracked. I’ve mentioned it before but I’ll say it until I stop being ignored- I noticed that the last words Seanbaby wrote for the site were “I quit again.” Is this coincidence? A world where Popsicle Pete is free to maim us all on a whim offers no coincidence.

Classic article, I remember reading it originally on Cracked, but re reads on Seanbaby articles are never disappointing. Im recovering from shoulder surgery right now and this article killed my breakthrough pain via laughter. Doing God’s work right here.

Cerebro announced earlier today that he will be leaving Scopely to start an new adventure. I like to think it’s partially thanks to Seanbaby’s exposé.

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