
Fucking Day: Tilted Kilt’s Missed Shots

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6 replies on “Fucking Day: Tilted Kilt’s Missed Shots”

Every once in a while this hotdog site shows me something that makes me say out loud ‘that is so fucked’.

Today was one of those days. Great article

Good god the entire article was:

[gross comment]

Me: Surely Lydia was comically exaggerating

[that literal comment screenshot]

Lydia you are as funny as you are brave. Go have a good shower cry. You’ve earned it.

Oh bugger – a whole drum of Upsetting Day has spilled into my Fucking Day and the whole thing tastes like spoiled milk.

Good article though!

I learned quickly that EVERY day is Upsetting Day at 1-900🌭

The actual Upsetting Day is just usually a bit more upsetting than normal.

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