
Nerding Day: Pin-Up Pete

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4 replies on “Nerding Day: Pin-Up Pete”

Pete’s accent(?) is really distracting. All I can hear is Popeye reminiscing about his seduction techniques.

Hell yeah, Drusilla Da Drilla. I still have the Fuck A Depth Stop mixtape in rotation 🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤

I see you aren’t familiar with this method of storytelling. For these aren’t three different Petes as you seem to believe but the same Pete during different points of the war, in reverse order to be more precise. For Pete 3 is the easiest Pete, back before he saw combat, back when was young and fresh and share stories of his good times. Pete 2 is in the middle, he has seen too much and is broken in ways his society at the time can’t explain and don’t care too. He still share stories but there is no joy in them for him anymore for he no longer remembers joy. And Pete 1 is at the end, he sees death finally coming but he doesn’t fear for it means rest at last. So he decides to share his stories one more time, as he knows it will bring comfort to those with him at the end. But there it won’t be the end, not for him, not ever for him, for there is a fourth Pete. He Pete who will awaken in a hospital bed, a Pete as the nurses removed the bandages from his face they scream in horror and doctor wonders if it would have been kinder to let him die. A Pete who hair is now strained red from the blood of his fallen comrades. A Pete who face distorted into a grin of pure joy, for now he knows the truth. A Pete who when speaks to tell the truth causes the nurses and doctors to scream in pain and fear as they hear his terrible voice, a voice they wish could say were unnatural for be less horrific if it was. But no, this voice was always meant for Pete, or maybe he was meant for it. A voice they wish they could say were full of malice and spited, for the fact it was full joy and wonder was so much worst. A voice that Pete used, or perhaps used him to tell the one sole truth that exists, a truth that Pete knows he will spend the rest of eternity and beyond sharing. None of you are safe. And that is how I met your mother.

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