
Punching Day: Punch Comics

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8 replies on “Punching Day: Punch Comics”

an entirely blank page? idk if its some in joke im not getting or if theyre having html troubles again. someone on the discord should warn… what was his name again? i feel like i used to know his name. Whats this voice?

Was it common back then to throw a pure gag cartoon like Nutty Fagin in the middle of all that punching? Did the original Marvel comics have a little interlude with a cartoon about a drunk dog falling into an outhouse between episodes of Captain America decapitating Nazis in airplane propellers?

can’t speak for Marvel, but yeah these golden age anthology titles would have all sorts of format shake-ups in the middle of nonstop not-shaking-up. A few of them even started as newspaper comic catch-up/digests that then started recruiting action stories.

I’ve read all (or almost all, maybe) of Seanbaby’s Golden Age comic articles and have to ask, what is the obsession with headbutting the bad guys in the dick? I mean, sure, if you’re a professional wrestler, it’s probably just the foreplay that follows oiling each other up in the locker room and precedes the post-show shower lovin’. But before that, what was it, a pre-Grindr sex ad? Were the colors of the hero’s and villain’s outfits some kind of secret code for where and when to meet? Or was it secret homophobic code saying that the hero choosing to go in head first instead of feet first means being gay is “a choice”? I mean, subtlety wasn’t a thing back then so what’s the deal?

I’m sorry what was the unholy three doing the first one? Like did they prove the baron was doing any crimes at all? Or did they just beat him and the other guests while just assuming they were doing crimes, like how real cops do?

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