
Reflecting Day: Hiatus Announcement

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11 replies on “Reflecting Day: Hiatus Announcement”


Fine go do your awesome things for awhile.

FUCK I’m glad you’re just busy rather than finding new and exciting ways for a body to not work. Good luck out there! I’m sure the monthlies will keep your seat uncomfortably warm for you

Congratulations on your absence being success-related, and not because your spine hates you! We’ll miss you Brockway!

Sad, but excited for you to reveal some awesome secret shit when you’re done!

Perhaps a movie script that gets subsequently ruined by 14 additional writers, 3 changes of director and infinite deranged studio notes? Can’t wait!!

Waited eighteen years for A Tribe Called Quest to come back with We Got It from Here… Thank You 4 Your Service. I can wait a few months for Brockway brand Hot Dog

Your presence will be missed, but I can’t wait to see what other projects you have come out.

What? Other work? How dare you? Unless that work is subjecting yourself to chimp sign language experiments, in which case carry on!

I’m selfishly angry for the sight and I love all that you bring. I also bought all your books and am going to start the punk trilogy soon. Hope you’re writing more good af books. Love your stuff and appreciate you.

I just finished Carrier Wave last night and then I see thisCongratulations on the success and currently working body! Now to find something with which to fill the Brockhole in my life!

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