
Nerding Day: The Green Team

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5 replies on “Nerding Day: The Green Team”

Honestly, I feel like this premise could have been good if it was just cool kid adventures wish-fulfillment. Take away the weird investment nonsense and anti-protestor stuff, and you could have some fun kid adventure stories.

Tom King and Jorge Fornés brought back both the Green Team and Lady Cop recently, in a series called Danger Street. As in The Dingbats of Danger Street, another extremely short-lived 1970s boy-adventurer series by the other co-creator of Captain America.

I thought it was pretty good. King’s got a certain formula at this point — take some DC series, usually B- or C-list (except for the time it was Supergirl), and do some weird postmodern shit with it — but it’s a formula that’s mostly worked for me.

This could have work and could still work but not with the green team as the “heroes”. Make nothing more then spoiled rich kids who lived in the DC universe who does terrible and stupid things for no other reason then they are rich and then can. Much to the annoyance of the heroes and villains who they keep running into every issue

Stan Lee turned a self-centered, hedonistic, billionaire industrialist into a beloved superhero…

… trouble is, not everyone is Stan Lee.

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