DC actually brought back Dial H For Hero in the New 52, and somehow got China Mieville to write it. It’s actually quite good, and leans in to the heroes being unpredictable and sometimes useless. And also one of them being called SHAMANTICORE.
Oh man I was thinking of that series too but I’d forgotten how amazing the names were.
Also the one where he dials in Batman’s origin story where a bat crashes through a window and so he becomes Shards of Broken Glass Man.
2 replies on “Nerding Day: Dial H For Hero”
DC actually brought back Dial H For Hero in the New 52, and somehow got China Mieville to write it. It’s actually quite good, and leans in to the heroes being unpredictable and sometimes useless. And also one of them being called SHAMANTICORE.
Oh man I was thinking of that series too but I’d forgotten how amazing the names were.
Also the one where he dials in Batman’s origin story where a bat crashes through a window and so he becomes Shards of Broken Glass Man.