It’s funny, the way these are titled. It’s the March Podcast Roundup, but it is for the podcasts in February. Should it be the February podcast roundup? No. That has already been done. You know what else is done? This paragraph!
What a month though! We had Mike Drucker kick things off by nerding out about the worst Mega Man game of all time, followed, naturally, by Lydia Buggs dive into the esoteric fucking in Isabella Rossellini’s Green Porno. We announced a van contest and the results were vantastic! They said I get one, and that’s where I’m using it. Michael Swaim did what Swaim does best and upset us with some wholesome Simpson’s family content, which was quickly followed up by Dennard Dayle getting very upset about Sucker Punch. There is an entire sequel article to that one, but it isn’t free, and maybe that’s best for society as a whole.
Also, Brockway had an important announcement, so make sure you check that out. Well without further ado, here are the amazing podcasts we had last month:
Dogg Zzone 9000 – Episode 213, LIBERALITY FOR ALL with Brendan McGinley
Seanbaby & Robert Brockway welcome back special guest, Brendan McGinleyto the DOGGZZONE! Rejoice comic book nerds for today after MUCH anticipation, we FINALLY discuss the LONG AWAITED comic book series extravaganza that is: LIBERALITY FOR ALL! You lucky sonsabitches thought we wouldn’t, nay, COULDN’T bring LIBERALITY FOR ALL to the unwashed masses, but after much hardship, handwringing and hangovers we are proud to finally present to you and yours, absolutely NOTHING OF VALUE in it’s most perfected and pristine form!
Watch the animated podcast on YouTube.
Dogg Zzone 9000 – Episode 214, CIRCUS OF THE STARS with Lydia Bugg
Seanbaby & Robert Brockway welcome back special guest, Lydia Bugg to the DOGGZZONE! Remember the ’80s? Sure, we all do. The wood paneling, the tape rewinders, Aquanet, pachyderm fetish circuses… ah, the bodacious neon glow of memories from a better time, a hunkier, sexier time where the most Belvidere of misters and the sexiest of elephants called home. Yes, the ’80s, renowned for its C-List part time carnies and birth place of all kinks known to men & women, AND ONLY MEN & WOMEN. The ’80s… come and sit a spell. Also wiggle when you do it, she seems to like that.
Watch the animated podcast on YouTube.
Dogg Zzone 9000 – Episode 215, The Prison Rap with Jason Pargin
Seanbaby & Brockway welcome back special guest, Jason Pargin to the DOGGZZONE! How do you save a dying town in the late ’80s? Why, through cunning use of systemically racist hip hop! Join the DOGGZONE as they spit hot bars in the face of terrible white peoples’ misguided desperation and soul crushing embarrassment!
Watch the animated podcast on YouTube.
Dogg Zzone 9000 – Episode 216, Wildest West Show of the Stars with Lydia Bugg
Seanbaby & Robert Brockway welcome back special guest, Lydia Bugg to the DOGGZZONE! Ever wanna see Pazuzu whip the horse’s eyes? Does Klinger’s beguilement at equestrian acrobatics tickle your darkest desires? Do the cryptic musings of Bo Derek twist your chaps in knots? The fuck’s wrong with you? Let’s find out as the DOGGZZONE visits the rodeo! Also Pee Wee Herman’s there.
Watch the animated podcast on YouTube.
But that’s not all, our boys were busy this month getting deep into some very strange BIGFEETS episodes.
BIGFEETS Episode 39 – The Great Fire Ape vs. Shoplifting
The AIMS team is at it again as they face up against Appalachian Prometheus, The GREAT FIRE APE! Master of fire… or he eats fire, or has like… fire laser powers?? With the AIMS team on the case there’s no way of knowing! Join the BIGFEETS boys for this very special episode of Mountain Monsters, brought to you by AA.
Watch the video podcast on YouTube.
BIGFEETS Episode 40 – The Ash Man vs. Consent
Get ready for trauma on this very special episode of, Huckleberry: Special Victims Unit. The AIMS team is on a mission of retribution and healing as they hunt the ASH MAN, the short king molestation monster of Wirt county! Buckle in Hucklefucks, this episode is certified All Trigger Warning! “Fat Shaq” is on the prowl and he’s cumming, (sic) for YOU!
Watch the video podcast on YouTube.
As always, you get access to this for free, but if you sign up as a Hot Dog Hero on the Patreon, you get access to all the extra bits too. So many jokes and stories waiting for you!
That’s it for now, subscribe to the podcasts and our YouTube channel so I don’t have to keep reminding you.
Ok, bye.