
Nerding Day: The Gifted RAP

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11 replies on “Nerding Day: The Gifted RAP”

I’m a big supporter of the big bags of off brand cereals. Frosted mini spooners are my shit (preferably strawberry, but I’ll hoover some normies)

Helpful hint: the Malt-o-meal, bagged Golden Grahams are actually better than the name brand. “Official” Golden Grahams have this glaze over each piece…which may be a sweetener, but I’m convinced it’s the non-nutritive cereal varnish Clark Griswold invented in National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.

Whatever it is, it renders Golden Grahams completely immune to the softening effects of milk immersion. It’s like eating a bowl of poker chips.

The Malt-o-meal version wisely left the varnish off, turning it back into breakfast cereal as God intended.

Thank you for your attention, we now return you to your comments, already in progress.

Have a lovely day.

Wait, wait, wait… The black guy short-cropped hair with the mono-goggle is supposed to be Erg? Seriously?! That’s…that’s even worse than ‘RAP’

Jonathan Frakes sits like that because he had a back injury at his job before becoming an actor. It’s also the origin of the Riker Lean. That said, I have no idea how sitting like that would alleviate any pain.

It’s not precisely the pain from what I understand, it’s something with the mobility of his hip, like it’s hard for Frakes to do the normal motions for sitting with his right hip.

It’s not precisely the pain from what I understand, it’s something with the mobility of his hip, like it’s hard for Frakes to do the normal motions for sitting with his left hip.

To the tune of Batman’ song in The Lego Movie…


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