
Fucking Day: Vanilla Ice’s Now & Forever

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6 replies on “Fucking Day: Vanilla Ice’s Now & Forever”

This is all great but did the universe conspire to make everyone but me forget MC Hammer’s Pump and a Bump exists?

Never be 2 Legit 2 watch a video that mostly centres on the MC’s hammer in a banana hammock speedo.

Just whispering, “pumps and a bump, pumps and a bump, we like the girls with pumps and a bump,” is powerful enough to summon the awkward and unseemly sexuality of a US Senate burlesque talent show.

One of my biggest shocks was when in 2013 I joked about something by saying “thats what its like having a roni” and 3 of the people i was with actually understood the reference.
Also, I thiink it was NYE 97, a few of us got out of work a little early and went to a bar we knew the bouncer at so we wouldnt have to wait in line. Vanilla Ice was doing a NYE show there during his Rasta phase. Fun random show.
Best random show was seeing a line of people outside a high end club who werent dressed like the usual clientele. I said what are you waiting for and they said Ween was playing. I apologized to the friends I was with, and left them to get in line.

Just as all Phish concert stories involve a detour to a National Park, all Ween stories involve forsaking all you hold dear in life. You have earned your Weengs this day.

I have a theory about everything you’ve laid out, and hear me out because it’s probably as insane as it is glorious: Vanilla Ice has no ability to write about sex not because he’s a virgin who is pretending he fucks. No sir, I postulate that Ice spent so much of his time fucking that he never learned how to properly develop the lyrical magic to describe it. It’s the only thing that makes sense!

This was absolutely brilliant. Brendan, tell your mother the answer is yes; my fellow trappers and I will see you next April.

I saw Vanilla Ice play a St. Patrick’s Day (night) show in front of the local college’s nearby Irish themed bar in 2000. He had white boy dreadlocks at that time. Unrelated, I got so drunk on green beer that night, I ruined my life.
Ah, memories…

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