
Nerding Day: Adult Only Practical Jokes

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8 replies on “Nerding Day: Adult Only Practical Jokes”

This hilarious article only further oppugns the claim made in the title. I giggled at the commentary, but the actual quotes provoked grim disdain.

As such, I am suing this book and Australia as a whole on false advertising grounds and I hope I can convince enough others similarly affected to make it a class action. Hell, maybe an enterprising DA will convene a grand jury to present a RICO case and the entire industry of book cover prank liars can be brought to its knees.

“In general, there aren’t a lot of nursery rhymes that include direct threats to children. ”

Well, im Brasilian. And ill just have you know that direct threats to children is at least 75% of all our nursery rhymes.

Yep, German fairy tales are almost all children doing something bad and then dying horribly or being disfigured for their hubris.

Oh for real. Yall have it even worse than us.

German kids can’t even get Christmas without the threat of kidnapping by Sex-Goat Demon

See also: Rockabye Baby, in which an infant has its cradled placed atop a tree, then it falls to the ground.

Was one of the first signs of being funny torturing small animals….or was it a sign of something else…I forget.

Also I think telling your boss that IT’S A GOOF when daydrinking at your deskjob only works if your boss is the one who told you about this hilarious jape after his divorce proceedings.

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