
Nerding Day: The Way of the Christian Samurai

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5 replies on “Nerding Day: The Way of the Christian Samurai”

This article was full of repetition and made me sad. In many ways, it’s like a Christian trying to explain how going to church is like being a samurai.

Somebody help that tiny cross, a madman with a samurai sword is about to hack it to pieces!!

I don’t get the joke at the end, “Select all squares with samurai” and then it’s just two squares with a bunch of samurai in them?

I literally never thought I would say this, but this was a terrible day to know a lot about actual samurai.

Why is it that when Japan misunderstands Christianity we get dope inexplicable things like one piece characters getting crucified* because sentai did it first**, but when Christians misunderstand Japan we get only sorrow?

*Not a joke
**Not Even Remotely a Joke

This is like a movie trying to explain how celebrating christmas is like fighting a war.

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