
Nerding Day: The (Devil’s) Workshop

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7 replies on “Nerding Day: The (Devil’s) Workshop”

Doing a quick search for ‘Richard Bonk’ tells me that: a. it’s a surprisingly common name for artists, and b. one of the Dick Bonks is a sex offender. Maybe Craig was right about this guy.

It is critically important that Craig Stormont’s full career is cataloged so that these can be quickly gathered into a cheap money-grab biography after he is inevitably arrested after a kidnapped Rob Lieber is found bound hand and (ahem) foot in Craig’s basement.

“The physical storytelling here is so bad I’m not sure what’s happening.”

I THINK that what’s happening is that one of the super-ladies from the future uses some sort of telekinesis ray to unzip and pull down a man’s pants, then abandons telekinesis to grab his buddy by the forearm with both hands and physically force his hand onto his friend’s dick. Kind of a “why are you hitting yourself?” bully scenario, but instead it’s “why are you grabbing your friend’s dick”?

I think this is one of those weird scenarios where my ability to accurately follow that poorly-depicted sequence of events actually means I’m stupider than you are for not following it. I think understanding it MADE me stupider, damb it! I mean damb. Damb? Hepl I

Though Windraven’s butt in the second panel did look like Gleep & Glorp, my first thought was the world’s worst testicular implants, as though Dr. Zoidberg from Futurama tried to transition Windy to male.

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