
Nerding Day: Sarah Palin Versus The World

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7 replies on “Nerding Day: Sarah Palin Versus The World”

I know! I have absolutely no idea if this comic is supposed to be pro or anti-Palin.

Sometimes you can parody something or someone without picking a side, but if your subject is a politician, you don’t have that option: pick a lane already!

I might have wiped this whole election from my mind, so bear with me – why is Kate Gosslin one of the Evil Exes? Did Jon & Kate have anything to do with Palin? Other than being vaguely famous around the same time?

“Whose face do I gotta slap a target on?” isn’t funny so much as edgy, but it’s the closest this thing comes to a joke with any bite.

I can’t tell if the Li’l Bush reference means we’d be best friends or mortal enemies. Either way, please don’t stop.

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