
Fucking Day: The Otaku Box šŸŒ­

Strap in.

Yeah. Pornā€™s fun, but gives me too much agency. And the eyes have too much lifeā€”even the animated ones. Can someone save me from money and dignity?

That faceā€¦familiar, but hazy and generic. Probably nothing.

Yeah, nothing. Letā€™s leave it hazy. Lockdown memories belong in the attic, beside middle school and 2025.

The Otaku Box! A miracle for anyone too busy to print their own garbage. A softcore lottery, advertised on every bus between The Javits Center and Bellevue. At the time, a citywide campaign cost less than a current taco.

I thought I nightmared this. Why not abuse PPP loans like other demons? Selling porn addicts lootboxes sounds like selling porn addicts angel dust. Thatā€™s pure dopamine witchcraft. ā€œDick-powered gamblingā€ was the last sentence before Babylon got hectic.


Looks promising. Granted, my mindā€™s gone. Iā€™m ghost riding a clown car while it pulls a Thelma & Paul Walker. Just like you! Letā€™s end this journey together. Weā€™ll trade dolls as the speedometer rises.

Is it? Iā€™ll put this in Otaku Box termsā€”skip to ā€œWelcome backā€ if you only read real books.

Godā€™s out of shit, and weā€™re stuck in Mankind: Shippuden. Not Mankind Z. Not Zeta Mankind. Not Mankind: Stand Alone Complex. Not even Mankind: R2. Fucking Shippuden, with new designs for all your favorite demagogues. This isnā€™t pain. Itā€™s training. The future is Madara posing on a human face, forever.

Welcome back, friends. The anime club just discussed our hopes for the future. Time to spend real money on the Otaku Box.

Iā€™m still spending real money on The Otaku Box.

If it lets me. Thereā€™s tons of clutter between me and my box. Odd. This is a pure impulse purchase. The lost and desperate are already in: this page should fast-talk the bored. People that jump off scaffolding just to see what landing feels like. Not that Iā€™d know.

Iā€™ll try the chatbot.

Hi Liz! Is it dropshipped garbage? I hope itā€™s dropshipped garbage. ā€œOh rlyā€ says youā€™re on the older side of weeaboo entrepreneurs, so I expect the finest in dropshipped garbage.

Sorry, I was wrong. This is free! If thereā€™s one word you can trust online, itā€™s ā€œprivate.ā€ Sorry, I meant ā€œinnovative.ā€ Sorry, I meant ā€œinvestment.ā€ Sorry, I meant ā€œlonely milfs.ā€ Sorry, I meant ā€œfree.ā€ Free is the content of generosity.

Hereā€™s my personal email. Can I have my free dropshipped garbage now?

Does it matter? None of this goes harder than a June boardwalk. The titillation is more contextual than explicit.

Hear me out. Pretend, for a moment, that your mind is clean. If you saw a maid, youā€™d assume they were an actor, lunatic, or literal servant, rather than a nerd shepherd. It takes years of training to love or hate this. Weā€™re already mutants.

My waifus? Odd question. Surely true believers buy specific dolls, instead of random dropshipped garbage? The Otaku Box implies your answer is ā€œanyone.ā€ Youā€™re a pickme for fictional maids. Not quite worse than death, but I had to think about it.

Thereā€™s a long list of convention favorites attached, so points for authentic gooning. Itā€™s nice to see nerddom rob itself, instead of waiting for Hollywood.

Liz promised free factory rejects. Where are they?

Such largess! So many free unpaid no-fee bonus demo trial sample open alpha no-money-down subprime gratuity options. I can finally let my guard down.

The choice is easy. No removable top, no sale.

Hell yeah.

Wait! Would more money help? I have so much a moderate amount! I canā€™t lose Captain Girl.

Sorry, ā€œCaptain Girlā€ was comedy autopilot. Fans deserve better than outsider mockery. Iā€™ll make it personal: I canā€™t lose Esdeath, the mascot for Square Enix giving up. I canā€™t lose Esdeath, a name clunkier than ā€œCaptain Girl.ā€ I canā€™t lose Esdeath, who looks less like a sex doll as a doll.

Luckily, for just a little money, I can keep my free bride.

Liz wonā€™t fool me twice. My credit cardā€™s drawn, ready to rescue my queen.

Donā€™t try to talk me out of it. This maidā€™s a personal achievement: I recognized the other two dolls on sight, and every name on the waifu list. But I have no idea who this is, and that fills me with hopeā€™s light. I will fight and die for her removable top.

This seems exploitative. I can get an awesome free doll, and turn weeks of dick jokes into boxes of love? Iā€™ll keep things ethical, and stick to one porn box. Giving away 11 FREE ITEMS for just a thousand dollars must take more slaves than Hershey.

This seems exploitā€“

Jeez, I didnā€™t even finish the lastā€“


Freeā€™s getting expensive.

I donā€™t need this, I have plenty of Confederate kid lit to cover. Fuck. Yeah, I need this. Youā€™ve worn me down, Iā€™ll take the shirt. All my dates should know that Iā€™m an Otaku Box owner.

What do you think this is? What Mormon billionaire buys a censored Otaku Box? Wallowing in half-measures isnā€™t success. Ask [political free space]. A censored Otaku box is a softer boner for the same money.

Nah, cosplay downloads imply real women and virtual products. Iā€™m here for the polar opposite. Stay focused, Liz.

Though Iā€™m a little worried. What if, somehow, I stop wanting monthly boxes of lead-enhanced toys?

Iā€™ve seen worse. Though if you donā€™t cancel early, theyā€™ll accidentally unfortunately regretfully tearfully cry-jerkingly charge you for more dropshipped garbage. Thereā€™s also a support email, or prayer if you feel like doing something useful.

Jesus fucking Christ, this is fucking great! The free lunches never stop. Nice to see this lazy generation working. Granted, our work ethic turned privacy, attention, and groundwater into memories. A wise world would make us stop working, at gunpoint, before we update those dog-shaped killbots. I think theyā€™re called ā€œOppression Puppers.ā€ But thereā€™s grind to hustle, so we have Liz.

And I have my box. Bye money! Iā€™ll miss you. I couldā€™ve eaten you, or bought books. But I guess manga fandomā€™s not about reading.

Itā€™s nice and warm out. Perhaps forever! Iā€™ll take my box out for a walk.

Naturally, Iā€™m recording 2024ā€™s main event. Your first box is special.

I gave the spot some thought. Weā€™ll need plenty of light to photograph my porn. And a nice backdrop. The park felt right.

The one next door. I live here. People recognize me.

The boxā€™s design has some restraint. From the front. The sides tell your neighbors whatā€™s up.

Liz came to see us off. Nice gesture. She looks cool in an apartment lobby, and perfect in a public park.

Sick. I invited the old guys playing Shittier Badminton, and they splashed me with holy water. Itā€™s a pretty conservative area. And a rude one, that shit burns.

We know about the first monthā€™s dolls. But what about the other worthless dropshipped garbage? Letā€™s see what gambling has for us.

It might be the heatstroke talking, but this cardā€™s a bargain. Thereā€™s no mermaid porn online, so itā€™s rare stuff. What else would I have bought? Food? Rent? A non-stolen bike? All abundant in New York.

Sometimes, while reading One Piece, I think ā€œI wish this sucked shit.ā€ So I get enjoying Fairy Tail. In 2008. The Otaku Box might have a bit of a backlog. Next month theyā€™ll send out Astro Boy Tijuana Bibles.

This bottle opener would thrive at parties you avoid, and shatter after two bottles of mead. I wonā€™t get much out of it. The box drained my slush fund. And normal fund.

Does mass-production at negative expense make this card a little extra worthless? Sure. But this dropshipped garbage is recyclable. The planetā€™s choking on Otaku Boxes. The retirees glaring my way are melting.

Todayā€™s winner, full stop. This has van art appeal. Call my standards warped by the endless maids above or reading Snow Crash before I could multiply, but thereā€™s a spark. This is acceptable dropshipped garbage. Maybe Liz loves us.

Ignore the pin-up ninja. The material looks and feels off. I hate to accuse Liz of cutting corners, but this looks like her sweatshop unionized. The Otaku Shirtwaist Fire makes for a depressing day of history class.

Donā€™t worry, not all of our gifts are dignity-sized. Chainsaw Man makes an appearance:

Power reimagined as a Hustler Club nurse. Great covers bring something new to the original, and this is no exception. You can point at any Chainsaw Man page and find something wild. Half would be hornier than this, in a more interesting way. Itā€™s a factory for dorm posters. So a pinup this generic takes inspiration. This poster is the flag of mediocrity. Liz sees Slave Girl Leia and thinks ā€œwhat if she was a maid?ā€

For audiences? Nothing serious. For artists? Venial laziness. For studios? Mortal laziness. But back to Nurse Power. I have a question.

Dork Spoilers Ahead: is porn of a famously dead character odd? How popular is Wattpadā€™s Uncle Ben tag? Was Sexy Ned Stark a big Halloween costume? How much global democracy erotica is there? This feels like hentai for necromancers.

Thatā€™s the joy of gambling. Sometimes you lose, and sometimes you lose later, but worse. Today, we have three sure bets: our free dolls. The first/only choice Otaku Box owners make, and my reward for joining Lizā€™s para-family.

In my criminal podcaster past, I rambled a bit about genre inbreeding. Niche art copying peers, until any roots in human life or thought are gone. That has nothing to do with this box art! Or The Time My Sister Was Reborn as My Stepsister But Legal and I was Reborn as Abraham Lincoln. Letā€™s move on.

Some shows are power fantasies. Here, the fantasyā€™s an unbreakable spine. It looks like I forgot her featherbrush, because I did.

Alright, letā€™s rip this band-aid off:

A steamy band-aid rip. Iā€™m Dennard, the joke-committer. I love this! I canā€™t wait to show my face in public!

Iā€™d add Overlord jokes, but Iā€™m short on data. I got through one episode before remembering every other show exists. This character is definitely yesterdayā€™s jelqing flavor, so my trash backlog theory is intact.

But thatā€™s debatable. Itā€™s definitely an ass-manā€™s doll:

Idea for manufacturers: I get the action poses and subby kneeling, but consider some variety. Thereā€™s a lot of space in-between. Wall-twerking dolls would sell out by the end of this sentence.

No virgin jokes today. Lizā€™s ideal customer remembers sex. A distant flash of heat and connection, gone forever. Sexā€™s echo haunts him, like fees on an overdrafted Paypal card. Why torment himself? Why mix gambling and porn? The same reason he got a credit card from Paypal. To chase a dragon. It looks like a ten-year-old breakup, but itā€™s actually 2000-year-old loneliness.

Whereā€™s our main eventer? I can pretend Akame Ga Kill is good for a few paragraphs. Probably. Itā€™s worth a college try.

Ms. Freezeā€™s package got a little more TLC. Something about putting Sub-Zero, Eva Braun, and sports implants in a blender speaks to people. Howā€™s our star look?

I wonder what expression theyā€™re going for.

Iā€™ve got nothing. Her coy/confused/depressed/empty expression is six design priorities behind her Vegas tattoo. Money well spent. One of my nicer friends reads these, and now I have her birthday gift.

You should know the Ice Queenā€™s rich history. Esdeathā€™s cold-hearted, so she has ice powers. The ā€œDeathā€ in her name tells you sheā€™s mean, much like Joan TaxFraud or Dwight Nationalism. She freezes herself in the end, winning diet pathos and your loneliest coworkerā€™s heart.

She can lead our idol group.

As for the removable tops? No. Our romance has limits. For you, Iā€™ll defraud insane poets, taunt Ivy League lawyers, or light money on fire. But I canā€™t strip three dolls in a public park, pose them, and meet Brooklynā€™s Finest. I love my teeth, flat and sharp alike. You might say itā€™s not a serious crime. Note ā€œBrooklyn cops.ā€ Ask a Thulean clown to do it.

I have some impulse control.

Perfect impulse control.

Anyway, gambling rules. Mix it with every dopamine source in your life. Iā€™m off to meet a lawyer, a doctor, and no therapist.

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18 replies on ā€œFucking Day: The Otaku Box šŸŒ­ā€

wasnā€™t it an early gag in chainsaw man that denji was super isolated and touch starved and he really wanted to feel a girlā€™s boobs, and power said he could feel her up, and then it turned out power stuffed her shirt and the experience was really hollow and joyless. iā€™m just saying itā€™s a rare boob pinup that can make you go ā€œThatā€™s not right. No, not like that- I mean, yes, like that, but also-ā€œ

I know that it says some sort of monstrous thing about me, but I found myself a little disappointed that they didnā€™t colour the plastic garbage breastsā€™ nipples. Not even for titillation but for indignation at the echo of privileged titillation.

Makes me wonder if thereā€™s legal reasons for doing that. Though Iā€™m sure as hell not going to try to find out myself.

Something like how all authentic hentai and even live-action Japanese porn insists on pixelating or otherwise obscuring all genitaliaā€“no matter how perverse the subject matter might actually be?

Iā€™m glad to have found out.

ā€œNaturallyā€ colored plastic nipples just might have meant the difference between:

ā€œNo way! Iā€™m not THAT much of a perv!ā€


ā€œTo be fair, Iā€™ve spent $20 on stupider and more embarrassing crapā€¦ā€

Why are 12 boxes $75 each when the single box is $30? Yeah, I know, weird anime porn, but thatā€™s the thing that really fucks with my head. Are they just assuming anyone who wants that is just so insane with pent up lust they canā€™t do basic math?

All of the box sets over one include ā€œfree itemsā€. Maybe theyā€™re just lying about them being free and charging you for them?

Itā€™s hilariously common with freemium garbage, see Pokemon Go where last checked itā€™s actually more expensive to buy the premium currency in larger packs than smaller ones. Whale hunting is going after people with far more money than sense, soā€¦ yeah, youā€™re probably pretty much correct.

Weā€™ve been programmed to believe that buying in bulk is ALWAYS cheaperā€¦and sometimes it is.

But many people wonā€™t bother to do the math and just assume theyā€™re getting a better deal by buying large quantities at once, when itā€™s possible that itā€™s the same price as buying the items individually, or even more expensive.

They canā€™t really get away with promising you a discount that doesnā€™t existā€¦

ā€¦but thereā€™s nothing stopping them from letting you assume youā€™re getting a deal when you arenā€™t.

Two thoughts, both of which will out me as ANCIENT:

1. I thought Metal Gear Solid ruined the word Otaku for life.

2. A Square-Enix character names Esdeath? This doesnā€™t have anything to do with, god forbid, ā€œsexy Exdeathā€ does it?

So, when Dennard bills his employers his waifu soft porn gambling addiction as research expenses everything is nice and fine but when I try to do the same at my IT job I get a warning from HR and mandatory training in company ethics.The world is so unfairā€¦

Manā€¦I thought Akame ga Kill was the worst trash Iā€™d ever seen lol. The figure somehow is even worse.

Dennard Dayle is our strongest soldier and theres no grenade he wonā€™t leap on. Only recognizing two of these waifu shrapnels made me feel a little better about my life. With time I will replace these half recollections with information about Sword Men.

ā€œHow much global democracy erotica is thereā€
I will answer that question: far too much. Just go to r/zelensky or search the ā€œEmmanuel Macronā€ tag on AO3. It exists, rule 34 has no exceptions.

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