
Fucking Day: The Otaku Box

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17 replies on “Fucking Day: The Otaku Box”

wasn’t it an early gag in chainsaw man that denji was super isolated and touch starved and he really wanted to feel a girl’s boobs, and power said he could feel her up, and then it turned out power stuffed her shirt and the experience was really hollow and joyless. i’m just saying it’s a rare boob pinup that can make you go “That’s not right. No, not like that- I mean, yes, like that, but also-“

I know that it says some sort of monstrous thing about me, but I found myself a little disappointed that they didn’t colour the plastic garbage breasts’ nipples. Not even for titillation but for indignation at the echo of privileged titillation.

Makes me wonder if there’s legal reasons for doing that. Though I’m sure as hell not going to try to find out myself.

Something like how all authentic hentai and even live-action Japanese porn insists on pixelating or otherwise obscuring all genitalia–no matter how perverse the subject matter might actually be?

I’m glad to have found out.

“Naturally” colored plastic nipples just might have meant the difference between:

“No way! I’m not THAT much of a perv!”


“To be fair, I’ve spent $20 on stupider and more embarrassing crap…”

Why are 12 boxes $75 each when the single box is $30? Yeah, I know, weird anime porn, but that’s the thing that really fucks with my head. Are they just assuming anyone who wants that is just so insane with pent up lust they can’t do basic math?

All of the box sets over one include “free items”. Maybe they’re just lying about them being free and charging you for them?

It’s hilariously common with freemium garbage, see Pokemon Go where last checked it’s actually more expensive to buy the premium currency in larger packs than smaller ones. Whale hunting is going after people with far more money than sense, so… yeah, you’re probably pretty much correct.

We’ve been programmed to believe that buying in bulk is ALWAYS cheaper…and sometimes it is.

But many people won’t bother to do the math and just assume they’re getting a better deal by buying large quantities at once, when it’s possible that it’s the same price as buying the items individually, or even more expensive.

They can’t really get away with promising you a discount that doesn’t exist…

…but there’s nothing stopping them from letting you assume you’re getting a deal when you aren’t.

Two thoughts, both of which will out me as ANCIENT:

1. I thought Metal Gear Solid ruined the word Otaku for life.

2. A Square-Enix character names Esdeath? This doesn’t have anything to do with, god forbid, “sexy Exdeath” does it?

So, when Dennard bills his employers his waifu soft porn gambling addiction as research expenses everything is nice and fine but when I try to do the same at my IT job I get a warning from HR and mandatory training in company ethics.The world is so unfair…

Man…I thought Akame ga Kill was the worst trash I’d ever seen lol. The figure somehow is even worse.

Dennard Dayle is our strongest soldier and theres no grenade he won’t leap on. Only recognizing two of these waifu shrapnels made me feel a little better about my life. With time I will replace these half recollections with information about Sword Men.

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