
Nerding Day: Mirthful Kombat

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15 replies on “Nerding Day: Mirthful Kombat”

The nun in the first joke is needlessly portrayed in heaven, so that Sister is dead and pissing the fuck out of the angels.

Also, there is something desperately sad about a gift from a great-grandmother and a grandfather because that implies someone still living with their mother as a senior despite having had children of their own old enough to produce the gift-recipient.

This shouldn’t be possible, but I think you gave John too much credit? ‘pongratulations’ isn’t a video game pun. Some people use ‘pong’ to mean ‘stinks’. The joke is ‘skunk smells bad’.

Oh come on! I wasted my childhood going outside instead of playing video games and even *I* know that the Edgehog is named Shadow.

(No, the 1993 publication date is no excuse, these “jokes” broke both Seanbaby and the spacetime contintendonuum)

OMG, I came up with “bintendo” on my own and then it appeared in the article! Who wrote this book, Psychic the Hedgehog?!

This reads weirdly British with words like ‘Rubbish’ and terms like ‘You’re nicked’

Did a Brit write this? How did it get to America? WHY DID IT GET TO AMERICA?


Okay I admit it took me longer than it should have to realize this isn’t the John Byrne who used to draw X-Men.

I skipped down to the comments to see if it **was** the John Byrne who drew the X-Men. Thanks for clearing that up, now I can read the article with a clear and focused mind.

People who make money off things like this make me so angry. I hope *this* John Byrne is long dead

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