
Nerding Day: The Slayer’s Guide to Female Gamers

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6 replies on “Nerding Day: The Slayer’s Guide to Female Gamers”

another fun annoyance you can wring out of this book is a round of “the Steve Jackson Game”. Being a very British book ™ it could be a UK/GW Steve Jackson joint but being connected with the game Munchkin suggests its a US/TSR Steve Jackson one. Let it stew in your brain until you get annoyed enough to waste your time googling it

*extreme uve boll voice*: I dont know why people like Apocalypse World so much better than my game! My game has Sex Moves and Apocalypse World has sex moves. They are practically the same!

im sorry, are we all just going about our day like the first hyperlink isnt the most amazing bit of uncharted internet imaginable?!

That is a real person? He looks like a lazy and uncreated costume designer was told to come up with idea for a forty something incel druggy with a budget of goodwill’s dumpster

“Real Men, Real Roleplayers, Loonies, and Munchkins”

Hot damn! That takes me back 🥰

Regarding this book…and I’m saying this with as much tact as possible:

Fuck off and die, Desborough🖕

This guy comes off as the worst kind of bully: the kind that not only doesn’t think he’s a bully, but thinks somehow he’s your friend…and he only torments you because he likes you😡

Sweet Zombie Jesus!🤮

Give me a self-aware bully who openly hates me and everything I stand for any day.

Because I am free to hate that guy’s guts to the fullest and know I am right to do so.

The “friendly” bully makes things complicated. No matter how much he makes your life miserable, he can still get you to wonder if maybe he really is expressing affection in his own way, and maybe YOU are the problem… maybe you just need to learn to be less sensitive.

I sound like a Lifetime movie 🤣

Back to the point, that’s the sense I get from Desborough’s sexist “humor”:

It’s all harmless fun, and if anyone is offended–it’s THEIR own fault.

He tried to even the playing field by presenting male gamers as unattractive losers whose standards are impossibly high due to the way women are depicted in geek-oriented media, but whose overactive libidos enslave them to the charms of barely hominid gamer girls…

But this doesn’t make him less of a douche–it just means he’s a douche in more than one sense.

I get his schtick: he’s coming out of the Denis Leary inspired era where certain people believed being an unapologetic, politically incorrect asshat made you cool or edgy…

Well, I’m calling from 2024 to say that no, this was never cool or edgy.

He’s just an asshat.

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