
The Hot Dog Store: Popsicle Pete Shirt

Popsicle Pete. Some websites don’t even let you speak his name. We call those websites “survivors.”

But that’s not you!

Buy his shirt, wear his image, taunt your fate!

4 replies on “The Hot Dog Store: Popsicle Pete Shirt”

Even when I take the shirt off, the haunting visage of Popsicle Pete remains imprinted on my flesh, burning, screaming. Cool feature! It was only a matter of time before He entered our material world, none of us are safe.

The merger of sex and violence is now complete…I’ve been waiting so long, and now the chance to bear His likeness upon my chest and watch Him bring the doom humanity was destined for has seen me spill more seed than all the onanists in the Christians’ bible.

The neat thing is if the Rapture ever does come, and you’re wearing this shirt when the Satanic globalist regime tries to brand you with the Mark of the Beast…

…they’ll just look at you and say:

“Nah, you’re good.”

Love the shirt! Fits great. High quality fabric and stitching.

The otherworldly screams were offputting at first. But you get used to it.

The shirt cleans itself and always ends up folded neatly in my drawer smelling of bleach and hobo blood. Very considerate and convenient!

I don’t even remember ordering the dang thing. It just showed up during a recent lightning storm and witch burning.

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