
Learning Day: The O’Reilly Factor for Kids III

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2 replies on “Learning Day: The O’Reilly Factor for Kids III”

Wow, the Mr. Rogers thing was actually worse than I expected it to be. Some finance dickhead got mad that some of his students tried to negotiate a better grade (in a subject entirely built on bullshitting for a profit) he made some crack about their ‘entitlement’ being Mr. Rogers fault. Fox news ran with that finance dickhead’s joke, claimed it was academic research, and then used the study that didn’t exist as evidence that Mr. Rogers was a disgustingly evil man who destroyed an entire generation. The finance dickhead did refute Fox news, but doubled down on his anti-entitlement bullshit, because he’s a finance dickhead and therefore entirely incapable of self-reflection or improvement.

It’s briefly acknowledged near the end of the Mr. Rogers documentary Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

I don’t remember exactly what Mr. Rogers’ associates say about it but IIRC they’re all a little bemused by it.

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