Happy Podcasting Day! It’s the return of Brockway’s Barbarian Game, the only roleplaying game where all players are The Barbarian Brothers and all the NPCs are meat for The Barbarian Brothers. The first time around we played through The Barbarians – their meathead homage to Conan the Barbarian, but with more walrus than you’re picturing. This time we’re becoming the 1994 action/comedy, Twin Sitters. This was originally called The Baby Sitters, until some brilliant studio executive watched it and was like “what’s up with the eighteen different sets of twins in this movie?” It’s kind of a mix between Home Alone and Mr. Nanny, only with the intermittent hardboiled gun violence of Lethal Weapon. And all of that filtered through twins and wrestling. It is utterly deranged art. The best and only kind of art!

This week, Seanbaby will be playing Peter Falcone, an enormous conglomerate of flesh with flowing feathered hair dressed like a background character from The Warriors got problem drunk at Mardi Gras.

Our special guest, writer, director, Barbarian bon vivant William Sellari will be playing David Falcone, a rogue wave of errant flesh with flowing feathered hair dressed like a background character from Renegade got problem drunk at Mardi Gras.

And this week you seriously have to stick around for the free bonus podcast which is… uh… an hour and ten minutes long? What the hell happened here?! You’ll have to listen to find out, but fair warning: You definitely have to get through the main podcast first.
Don’t forget to give us a walrus noise of loyalty by subscribing to the podcast, and throw us a little horse noise of endorsement with a review here. Then gong your pecs together, just for you!

Podcast novelization cover by Brett Ellefson