
Everyone The Wonder Twins Rescued Should Be Dead 🌭

In 1977, the Super Friends introduced brother and sister teen aliens who had the ill-defined ability to transform into any kind of animal and any kind of water when they touched. The “Wonder Twins” had a sidekick space monkey clearly operating under the rules of the wrong cartoon universe, and one last thing: they were stupid as fuck. Welcome to Everyone Who The Wonder Twins “Rescued” Should Be Dead, Episode 001: “Tiger on the Loose.”

Before we begin, there are some governing laws I follow when producing an episode of EWTWTRSBD. I am not allowed to modify screenshots or change the plot in any significant way. When it was broadcast, the events of “Tiger on the Loose” unfolded exactly like this, and all I did was change the dialog to be more appropriate. You’re going to think I’m lying, that there’s no way anyone made something this goddamn dumb, but I promise they did.

Anyway, I’ll get started carefully Photoshopping these jokes onto, oh fuck, 70 images!? I guess I’ll see you in about three days, world!