
Punching Day: Man Sports Comics! 🌭

Behold, men! The first issue of an exciting new series of athletic action: Man Sports Comics! It’s everything we men love about men! It’s everything we men need about men! Give us men, you men said, and this man answered! MAN! MAN!! MAN!!! MAN!!!! MAN SPORTS COMICS!!!!!

This article was brought to you by our fine sponsor and Hot Dog Supreme: Toasty God, who is the forest maniac of tetherball.

7 replies on “Punching Day: Man Sports Comics! 🌭”

Well that went from Hockey to awesome in super quick time! Mike, Mike, Miiiiiiiiiiiike!!!!!

Ah yes, man man man ect sports. I reread the man comics often, this is fantastic. So dumb, so glorious.

If I ever get abandoned on the moon, I only hope I can face my fate with the dignity of Dough.

Truly, the life of a man is a life fraught with peril. But to retreat from the challenges that face us, that is the only true death.

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