
Nerding Day: Marty Party in Space

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5 replies on “Nerding Day: Marty Party in Space”

Country vs Rap was a big money plot in the mid ’90s. It even made it to the pinnacle of storytelling, “WCW storyline”

I like how the VR headset the aliens from Planet Blue Grass created is just like the one Mark Zuckerberg has spent $20 billion trying to develop. And even crazier, both headsets have exactly the same goal — scaring the country music community with grossly racist 3D imagery!

In college, a professor made the point that country music and rap were the same genre, but filtered through two experiences–middle-class white and lower-class black. He played multiple country songs from various eras and contrasted them with rap songs from various eras, showing that they covered the same basic themes and concepts, but other than the musical traditions they evolved out of, one was from a position of privilege and the other wasn’t.

It got me thinking a lot about how people divide each other so minutely, and even people who aren’t consciously racist can exclude others on biases they don’t even realize.

And then this comic exists, and I can only wonder what the hell said professor would make of “the space hillbillies are only loosely caucasian but the space, uh, hip hop enthusiasts are laborious racial stereotypes.”

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