
Upsetting Day: V the Musical

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9 replies on “Upsetting Day: V the Musical”

Damn I swear sometimes your writing is so sharp it cuts the bullshit out of my brain and leaves only your scorching hot wit.

This is! Such a sacrifice of sanity, for no one. Are you ok, author??? Who threatene you into reviewing the goddamn /v/ musicals?
As someone who was once into this sht and then deradicalized myself so hard i came out the other end of the spectrum, this article was a painful, cringig reminder of my past.

That’s so awesome! You did something really impressive. Thank you for both making my day with that tidbit, and y’know improving the world with an improved you. Also giving me hope for the future.

Am I the only person who saw the title and had been hoping the tv series V had been made into a musical?

V The Miniseries, V For Vendetta…

… ANYTHING but this.

There’s no Purple Heart for Internet comedy writers, but this article would be my opening and closing arguments why there SHOULD be.

I admit, I’ve been out of gaming too long, and 4chan’s rep has been more than enough to keep me far from its influence…

…ergo, most of this article went totally over my clueless, aging head.

(thanks for mentioning Weird Al to provide context, that helped 😊)

And you know what? I’m good with that. There are things I don’t need to know–I learned that the hard way when I researched Gamergate…

…I was a happier person before I did.

For once in my life, I’m just going to sit here and revel in my ignorance.

I’ll be here gleefully not quite grasping what you young people are talking about if you need me 😉

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