
Upsetting Day: Church Ball

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3 replies on “Upsetting Day: Church Ball”

Hey now, Apollo 13 was an Oscar-*winning* movie.

Granted, it won for editing and sound, and Clint Howard didn’t have much to do with those. Probably? I don’t know, maybe when the director is your brother he lets you do that stuff.

Oh wow!❤️

THIS is what I pay you folks $5 a month to see: A Mormon rip-off of every underdog sports movie in history starring a few small “c” celebrities and the family members of one or two capital “C” Celebrities…

…and if that wasn’t enough, they made a promotional card game–A CARD GAME. TO SIMULATE BASKETBALL.

In what universe does that idea NOT get you laughed out of the room?

I have to stop here, or I’ll wear this out like a dog with a particularly stinky shoe.

Lydia? You are magic😊

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