
Nerding Day: 101 Uses for a Dead Cube

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9 replies on “Nerding Day: 101 Uses for a Dead Cube”

How did this man… this thing dedicate his “life” to The Cube and not come up with a The Cube where each square was a smaller The Cube?

Brilliant! “Another counted joke book? How can I possibly say something new about another counted joke book? How about a cartoonist’s descent into madness and despair? Like Kafka but funnier!”

In all fairness, he only got through 99 non-sequiturs adjacent to cubes. I guess the moral of the story is not to expect a math joke from a person literally incapable of counting to triple digits.

Between this and the 40 Steps to Cube Dominance, I’m convinced cubes were created to drive us mad as some kind of space prank.

It is clear that no sane person finishes a 101 things book. They may have started out merely foolish, but no one remains sane by the end.

Joined the Patreon today, and what a special article to wet my toes in! Love all the work you have done since, thanks for being fucking hilarious!

These comics have made me irrationally angry. I’m actually angry at the authors.You putrid turds, Zales and Stevens. How dare you.

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