
Punching Day: Way of the Warrior Kid

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3 replies on “Punching Day: Way of the Warrior Kid”

“I got off light with bullying, since we thought all nerds were two puns away from ventilating the cafeteria…”

Yeah, I was out of school a little early for that idea to take hold.

Columbine happened 4 years after I finished high school.

NOBODY was afraid of nerds when I was in school.

To give you an idea, for my last two years of high school, I wore a trenchcoat to class every day: regardless of weather or temperature, even in gym class.

All it did was earn me nicknames with various levels of mockery (“Highlander” I liked, “Inspector Gadget” I tolerated…”Dork Vader” annoyed me–not because it hurt my feelings, I just thought it was lazy and unimaginative…)

If I had still been in high school in 1999, at BEST that trenchcoat would have gotten me in hot water for being disrespectful.

More likely I would have had to endure no end of counselors and therapists trying to keep me from snapping and wasting half the student body with an AR-15.

We, as a society, weren’t seeing mass murderers in every quiet, socially awkward D&D player yet.

It was more like: “Oh, you’re a quiet guy? Good! Then you’ll make less noise when I beat your ass.”

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