
Teamworking Day: Classic Cars and Women

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4 replies on “Teamworking Day: Classic Cars and Women”

Okay, where should I submit photos of me sitting on a hot dog? The email, the discord maybe? Can I send pics of the hotdog sitting on my butt or is that too outside the box?

Dammit Brockway! I just spent sixty bucks on Michelle Yeoh movies to bribe my wife into not sending you pictures of her butt on a hot dog. I’ll admit I’m excited to see Heroic Trio as well, but please be careful with how you use your persuasive powers in the future.

> record scratch, did I just say TWO THOUSAND NINETEEN!? I thought you found this website on a 3.5ā€³ disc clutched in the unidentified hand of a Hot Rod Lady.

I worked on the GoDaddy Web Design Team. I assure you that at this very moment some poor bastard is fielding an angry demand to add a hit counter to a bottom of somebody’s website, and change all the text to Cosmic Sans [sic].

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