
Learning Day: Prehistoric Birds in Modern Times

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9 replies on “Learning Day: Prehistoric Birds in Modern Times”

He didn’t even mention the sightings of a large, some might call Big Bird in the Sesame Street area in the 1970s, pah.

Two things.
One. This is amazing. The dive into his life just got more ridiculous and incredible and I laughed out loud many many times.
Two. I read it as Eddie Vedder every single time

im calling it now. This is the next dumb book maniac whos gonna turn out to have been a murderer all along upon further inspection.

I was up until 3 am going down the Dr Eddie rabbit hole. It just keeps going! If this is someone’s elaborate joke, I admire the dedication for them to be at it for at least 15 years with no audience.

This is a man going completely insane trying to describe something he is fundamentally incapable of understanding. It’s like H.P Lovecraft if he was mildly concerning instead of incredibly racist.

The story about the pterodactyl coming out of the rock was in one of those Time-Life style “unsolved mysteries” books. My grandmother had a few and I used to pore over them as a child. It was the 80’s, we didn’t have the internet yet to get our fix of weird shit.

Wow, what a journey of an article, I laughed myself to tears several times. My daughters thought I had gone crazy while I mumbled nonsense about dinosaurs, terrifying giant pelicans and touch karate. Thank you Seanbaby for this beautiful piece of funny.

I guarantee you this dude’s Twitter feed is 8 posts over 7 years about what he’s having for lunch followed by 200 posts in the span of a month about ivermectin.

This goober doesn’t even know how big birds are! Bald eagles can have wingspans over 7ft, and trumpeter swans can get up to 10ft. Maybe I’m just built different from my ancient/sort of old ancestors, but I don’t think seeing a bird that’s a little bigger than an eagle would drive me to Lovecraftian madness.

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