
Nerding Day: The Complete Austin Powers for Gameboy Strategy Guide

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6 replies on “Nerding Day: The Complete Austin Powers for Gameboy Strategy Guide”

Picture this: it’s the year 2000. I’m spending the summer at the family farm out in the sticks in Texas. (It’s called “the farm” but we haven’t seriously farmed anything there since I was a tiny baby.) There’s one internet-capable computer and I use it to read on those evenings I have time at it. Our only other connection to the outside world is making periodic jaunts to one of many mom-n-pop movie rental places. Obviously, we rent Austin Powers. Obviously, I buy Nintendo Power while I’m there, hoping for more news about Earthbound 64, especially because the family computer with ZSNES and Earthbound Classic on it is all the way over in Virginia–actually, wait, we were in Arkansas at the time, having just survived a nonstop hell of friendless bullying in 6th grade. Also, I had made zero friends in Arkansas as of yet.

Hold that image in your mind.

Because when I read in that Nintendo Power that you could write things in the Austin Powers GBC word processor, I thought aloud, “Writing something to yourself in the Austin Powers Gameboy Color is the loneliest goddamn thing I’ve ever heard of.”

I’m turning 39 in one week. For the last few years I’ve been picking up the pieces of my life after an intense, but ultimately doomed partnership. Still adrift spiritually, creatively, career-wise – resorting to kitchen work, the last real skill I have that doesn’t require me to confront some of my least examined traumas. Found this website in it’s early days after seeking solace in nostalgia for Seanbaby’s writing.

I have very complicated feeling about this comedy article about a pair of Austin Powers GBC games.

Help me out here:

Am I the only person who thought this article would be mocking an actual strategy guide?πŸ˜‚

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