
Teamworking Day: The Austin Powers Collectible Card Game

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6 replies on “Teamworking Day: The Austin Powers Collectible Card Game”

There was a professional tournament for this game!


This game had fewer sets than the Nightmare Before Christmas CCG.

Which also existed.

I was not expecting Seanbaby to die like this. We all knew that Brockway’s been trapped between mortality and oblivion since he first encountered Mario Lopez, but I assumed Seanbaby’s death would involve a pizza laced with Godek’s sperm. RIP Seanbaby.

I had my money on Popsicle Pete, figuring even Seanbaby and Brockway weren’t safe

I forgotten that Seth Green even existed before I read this. We all had forgotten that Seth Green even existed before this, as we all should, as we all agreed. But you have brought the memories back, and with them he has followed. And the more of us who remember, the more real he will become. You fools! By unearthing this cursed game instead of burning you have given him a chance to escape the realm of the never was!

oh man i wouldve loved this game as a kid. had a big dumb crush on seth green too. maybe if you guys ritual sacrifice me and 4 other nerds it’ll bring seanway and brockbaby back? 15% chance you’ll just give mike myers a terrible and unknown erection though

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