
Podcasting Day: Dogg Zzone Roundup!

Look, I get it. You’ve had a busy month, what with learning about EGG magazine, reading comics by the American Nazi Party, and smoking crack with Lenny, the crack-smoking lion. It is totally understandable that you haven’t had time to fully dive into THE DOGGZZONE or Bigfeets, but I’m telling you right now, you are only hurting yourself here.

Did you even see that the Dogg Zzone animated podcasts have these horrible visages staring soullessly into the abyss? And all for you!

Awful! Anyway, here are some of the things you might have missed:

Dogg Zzone 9000 – Episode 187, Saban Moon with Lydia Bugg

After three decades, someone has finally uncovered the pilot for the lost 1990s American live action adaptation of Sailor Moon. Brockway shines the Magical Girl Signal. Seanbaby and Lydia Bugg solemnly answer.

Watch the animated version of the podcast on YouTube. It’s like listening but with your eyes!

Dogg Zzone 9000 – Episode 188, Bangkok Knockout with Rusty Shackles

Seanbaby, Brockway, and guest Rusty Shackles celebrate the bonkers Thai martial arts movie Bangkok Knockout, and mourn the several million stuntmen it surely killed.

And if you prefer visuals, watch us talk with Rusty Shackles about Bangkok Knockout, which is the second best way to watch Bangkok Knockout, aside from actually watching Bangkok Knockout.

Dogg Zzone 9000 – Episode 189, Heat with Merritt K

Brockway slips into his paisley blazer to trick Seanbaby and guest, Merritt K, into watching the 1986 movie Heat, with Burt Reynolds. It’s a hardboiled neo-noir detective movie, and a Karate Kid mentor story, and also a Jackie Chan style stunt comedy starring, again, Burt Reynolds.

The animated version of that podcast lets you watch us and Merritt K discuss 1986’s Heat with Burt Reynolds, the one where he dresses like pimp’s couch and does flying jumpkicks that burst men into flames. Yes, that one!

Dogg Zzone 9000 – Episode 190, Top Model Backwards With Dan McQuade

Seanbaby sets an impossible task based on his own vanity: Watch the episode of America’s Next Top Model where Tyra Banks inserts herself into the lyrics of terrible songs written by models on half a lunch break. Only Brockway and guest, Dan McQuade are desperate enough to obey!

And right here you can watch our two cartoon ghouls and guest Dan McQuade discuss the episode of Top Model where Tyra Banks inserts herself into the lyrics of a memorial ballad.

Dogg Zzone 9000 – Episode 191, Vincent Gallo Merch with Jason Pargin

Seanbaby and Brockway are joined by guest, Jason Pargin, to rummage through the yard sale that actor/director Vincent Gallo’s life has become. Deep discounts on his childhood memories, his racism, and his semen! WOW!

Come watch us and Jason Pargin talk about the trainwreck that ’90s bad boy actor/director Vincent Gallo’s life became.

Dogg Zzone 9000 – Episode 191, Bladesmen with Michael Swaim

Seanbaby and Brockway welcome special guest and fellow Cracked alum Michael Swaim to the DOGGZZONE to discuss what can loosely be described as a barbarian comic book but can more accurately be described as, SQUAAAAWWWWK! That last one is the link to the animated version.

All of these are available free for everyone, but if you are one of our Patreon subscribers, you get access to all the Extra Wieners: incredible bits and behind-the-scenes stories that are TOO EXTREME for public consumption.

And that brings us to…

BIGFEETS. If you haven’t caught up on these, now is your chance:

BIGFEETS Episode 26 – Huckleberry vs. Bigfoot’s Dusty Nuts

The Bigfeet Boys watch Season 2, Episode 6 of Mountain Monsters: The Bigfoot of Washington County. Several local children were drowned in quicksand during the making of this episode.

BIGFEETS Episode 27: The AIMS Crew vs. Psychic Pedophile Bigfoot

The Bigfeet Boys watch Season 2, Episode 7 of Mountain Monsters: The Bigfoot of Ashe County: AIMS Under Attack. The sterling reputation of the Cherokee Devil was irreparably damaged in the making of this episode, and there will be legal action.

Bigfeets has a video podcast now! Finally, you can watch our handsome mouths pronounce the words “psychic pedophile bigfoot” — universally agreed to be the most aesthetically pleasing series of human mouth shapes.

BIGFEETS – Episode 28, Psychic Bigfoot vs. A Polite Request

The Bigfeet Boys watch Season 2, Episode 8 of Mountain Monsters: The Bigfoot of Ashe County: AIMS Erupts. Psychic Bigfoot’s feelings were hurt in the making of this episode.

In case you forgot in the past two paragraphs, BIGFEETS has a video podcast now! Come watch our handsome faces as they actually form the words you love! This time we’re talking about the psychic pedophile bigfoot finale! Those ones, those are the words you love.

We got BIGFEETS shirts now!

Wear our ‘feets on your chest!

That’s it for now, subscribe to the podcasts and our YouTube channel so I don’t have to keep reminding you.




Ok, bye.

One reply on “Podcasting Day: Dogg Zzone Roundup!”

Is it just me, or does the fact that a lot of podcasts are suddenly doing video versions feel eerily similar to the whole “pivot to video” fiasco that played a starring role in the ruin of

For me, and I’d imagine for most people, I listen to audio content in times and situations where I couldn’t watch video content (while driving, doing manual labour, etc.). As much as it would be lovely to see your beautiful faces, I don’t really find myself thinking “Oh good, now I can stop listening to this content in the convenient times I’ve made a habit of enjoying it in, and go out of my way to make time to enjoy it in a different way”. It seems to me that people who make a habit of enjoying audio content do it because they have time slots available for that audio content. If they wanted more video content, they’d have sought out video content instead in the first place. Audio and video are not interchangeable, in terms of the practical realities of time use. If someone’s saying the stats show this is what people want – well, that’s also what they said about pivoting to video in the mid 20-teens, isn’t it? What makes it different this time? I know this type of video content is easier and cheaper to produce that full sketches with sets and costumes, but it still has to be significant added time and expense, right? Trying to make something work as both audio and video tends to have diminishing returns in my experience, as either you’re having visual gags that fall flat for the audio folks (which is frustrating and decreases the quality of the listening experience) or you’re not really taking proper advantage of the video component. I’ve never seen the appeal of this worst of both worlds approach. I guess you’re aiming to grab a new non-podcast-listening audience but how it seems to me as part of your existing audience is that you’re going to a lot of new effort to add features that either don’t change my listening experience or make it slightly worse.

I don’t mean to denigrate the time and effort and enthusiasm you’re pouring into adding video to the podcasts. I’m just surprised at where you’re choosing to direct those valuable and finite resources.

On the other hand maybe I’m just old and/or weird. I was very puzzled to learn the ways Cracked used to contort itself for social media optimization when I had assumed everyone just bookmarked the site and viewed the content there directly like I did. I may just be an outlier here too in a world than inexplicably (to me) can’t get enough of podcasts with video. I’m just confused and having trouble shaking the feeling that this new pivot to video is a repeat of some unfortunate history. I’d hate to see elements of the curse of Cracked’s downfall follow us to our new tubed meat based Utopia, despite the lack of corporate vultures.

P.S. I know this particular comment comes across as somewhat critical, but just to be clear your podcasts are great! Keep up the awesome work! How much I enjoy what you’re doing is why I have such strong opinions on messing with and “fixing” what in my view was already working great as-is.

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