
Nerding Day: Woke Content Detector

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13 replies on “Nerding Day: Woke Content Detector”

I’m sorry. If this is a hit piece about me you should know that I have never meant you any harm, nor to anyone else. As someone who has also experienced character assassination online it would seem as though you could understand, but I guess not.

The first time I saw this thing, somebody had repurposed the spreadsheet as a list of queer-friendly games.

I’m not sure what’s going on with all of the Mayor Adams hate. Bret Stephens assured the world that Adams was “Going to Save New York” so at that point I stopped following all news about him. When has Bret Stephens ever been wrong about anything?

“Everyone’s feelings matter, even if they can’t spell feelings”

This NEEDS to be a t-shirt, mug, or bumper sticker ☺️♥️

Can ANYONE (he shouts into the empty void) explain how a rational, undisturbed mind can determine the level of probability (in this case, improbable) that a fictitious future corps of space marines would be diverse and/or have women in its chain of command?

Oh, wait, answered my own question. Never mind…

They think corporations colonizing planets is a good think? And that Call Of Duty and South Park is “woke? If it wasn’t for the fact that we are one election away from a orange nazi getting control of the nukes I wouldn’t believe people like this exists

It’s grimly fascinating the depths to which a bigoted dipshit can talk themselves out of a good time. Any good time. Like. I might roast a fucker for claiming that ‘actually the LIBERALS are the Empire’ for having a complete lack of self reflection, its kind of. Sad when they actually get so… wrapped up in shit they can’t enjoy anything. It’s like when terfs start to turn on each other’s selfies for having a ‘masculine nose profile’.

The review for ‘I Got Blackmailed By A Futanari’ broke something in my brain. I’m pretty sure I felt and heard something snap. The LGTBQIA-hating pornhub-commenting incel racists reviewing a Japanese ladies-with-dicks fetish game do not recommended said game because it features ladies with dicks? Because, obviously, fetishising anime ladies with secret penises whilst also making them villains, and dehumanising intersex people is… woke?

Nevermind, I comment as I read. I didn’t realise that they continued this behaviour. There’s nothing left to snap, but the dull, squidgy pain in my head is so very tired.

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