Every Web 1.0 reference stabs my brain, killing neurons that survived the early aughts. I can’t remember my social security number, but I know why the SA logo was a hand grenade. Thanks a lot, Dennard.
I’m surprised there was enough motor function left to write another page of script. God save you, Dennard.
this may be the first time Dennard has covered something I genuinely, sincerely, have never seen or heard about. Whether that means I, too, successfully memory holed this one, was too offended by something making fun of the Powerpuff Girls, or was buisy killing dial up bandwith on homestar runner I will never know.
As someone who never like South Park, and as I have gotten older has started to hate everything about it, I don’t get why anyone would want to copy it
I expect the answer to that would somehow tie in to it’s multiple decades of wild, nigh-unprecedented levels of creative (debatably), critical (less debatably) and financial (really really not debatably) success.
5 replies on “Upsetting Day: Blah Girls”
Every Web 1.0 reference stabs my brain, killing neurons that survived the early aughts. I can’t remember my social security number, but I know why the SA logo was a hand grenade. Thanks a lot, Dennard.
I’m surprised there was enough motor function left to write another page of script. God save you, Dennard.
this may be the first time Dennard has covered something I genuinely, sincerely, have never seen or heard about. Whether that means I, too, successfully memory holed this one, was too offended by something making fun of the Powerpuff Girls, or was buisy killing dial up bandwith on homestar runner I will never know.
As someone who never like South Park, and as I have gotten older has started to hate everything about it, I don’t get why anyone would want to copy it
I expect the answer to that would somehow tie in to it’s multiple decades of wild, nigh-unprecedented levels of creative (debatably), critical (less debatably) and financial (really really not debatably) success.