
Upsetting Day: Legends of Evergreen Hills

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4 replies on “Upsetting Day: Legends of Evergreen Hills”

I’m really glad I’m not American. We don’t have Chick-Fil-A in UK, but we do have good chicken sandwich options. McDonald’s has a couple great ones here, and even Burger King has one that’s very popular with people who have no taste.

What in the Nine Hells…this is terrifyingly bonkers. I really wish the show had just been funny garbage, I’m oddly disturbed

“Can you offer a media ecosystem that’s more engaging than the secondary mobile phone app of a chicken sandwich chain?”

This is going to keep me up at night.

Oddly enough, Chick-fil-A’s show sounds a lot like their food:

Not exactly “góod”…but nowhere nearly as bad as you WANT it to be.

I’ve eaten there once or twice–out of a combination of curiosity and limited options.

I was not impressed, but neither was I dissatisfied or revolted in a way that would vindicate my pre-existing opinions about the company’s moral/political alignment.

I wanted to despise Chick-fil-A’s food as much as I do their politics…and I couldn’t.

Their basic competency was incredibly annoying😝

If I could denounce them for making crappy food, then I wouldn’t even have to mention how I feel about their politics…

… instead I am forced to admit that they offer a serviceable product, and that my distaste for the company is based entirely on a secondary consideration.

I used to detest people who thought like that 😏

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