Hot Dog Appreciation Day

The 2025 1900Hotdog Design Your Own Bitchin’ Custom Van Contest (3-D Edition!)

Stop thinking of living in a van as a depressing end result of unchecked capitalism, and start thinking of it as your very own mobile battle center for boning drifters! Seriously, look at the bright side:

  1. You can’t hightail your home to Jacksonville if the cops start looking for a house that matches the description of yours.
  2. A house is way bigger than a twin waterbed. What are you even supposed to do with the rest of that space?
  3. Your house probably doesn’t have a special pipe that gets you high for just 3.49 a gallon.
  4. You can’t park your house at Waffle House, that’s too many houses.
  5. Your neighbors get mad if you airbrush a huge-titted woman riding a space whale across the front of your house.

We think vans are the future of America, because they rule, and because billionaires need a virtual jack-off assistant more than you need a home. That’s why we’re once again holding our annual 1900HOTDOG Design Your Bitchin’ Custom Van Contest. This time we’re doing two contests: our usual 2D form-based one, and a brand new 3D papercraft model competition. Think of it as building a scale model of the rest of your life. Let’s check out your submissions!


Never think of yourselves as lesser for only submitting to the 2D van contest. That’s our job!

Professor Rocketsurgeon mourns the loss of the AIMS team’s Trapper the way he’d want, by turning him into the cryptid subject of a hillbilly improv group. What a beautiful memorial.

Delta knows that fuckin’ is but one use for a good van: you can also move two thirds of a college student’s belongings, or steal a child to raise for revenge purposes. Wait, also band stuff!

Timpani Cocoa loves Ferris Bueller’s Day Off so much he put it on a van, which is the most you can love something. However much your husband says he loves you, unless he has a painting of you caked up and fighting a wizard on the side of his van, it’s not enough.

Pee-Wee’s Uncle knows themes are for chumps, the best vans are just loaded full of awesome shit like Macho Man and Jackie Chan and pterodactyls and, uh, ghostly Indian child brides? Look, there was no way of knowing where this sentence was going when we started typing.

LyraV knows all the best vans have themes – solid, confining themes that prevent them from accidentally endorsing ghostly human trafficking. Like this Pride Fighting Championships van which only endorses live human trafficking. Oh, god damn it.

Skebotron, you got it right. This is no time for vans. There’s no light in this place. We’ve accidentally endorsed human trafficking twice – three times if kids count, which they don’t. This is a dark era in need of purging fire.

Fuck yeah, Skebotron, you are the winner of the Original Flavor Van Contest! Your prize, as promised, is the awe and esteem of your peers. If they don’t cough it up, you are legally able to seize their children as recompense. Kids are small, they’ll fit in the back of a Citation.

Now let’s look at some of the extra special vans that broke the mold. Which is exactly what a good van should do, thanks to all the bleach.


Vans are for maniac hermits. Other people can own vans, but it’s a bit like hanging a dreamcatcher over your bed when you don’t have a single ghostly child bride. Beato Puente isn’t fronting, in true maniac van hermit fashion instead of designing a van, he sent us a powerpoint presentation about how everything is already a van.

Congratulations, Beato Puente! You win the special Maniac Van Hermit Contest, of which you were the only entrant!


There’s nothing we respect more than petty spite toward no particular end. Like when King Roshi saw us asking other actual human beings to burn hours of their lives fiddling with finicky 50 year old papercraft projects, and told us to go fuck ourselves with this 3D van!

Congratulations, King Roshi! You win the Van Spite Contest! Your prize is right here, it’s a crotch grab accompanied by middle finger!


In order to protect the identity of all parties involved, we won’t go into detail. But Somebody just sent us a picture of a cock as their submission to the van contest!

Somehow, that’s valid! Congratulations, Somebody, on winning the POSSIBLE SEX CRIME CONTEST! Tell the police where they can deliver your prize!


And now for the real competition. We gave you a barely legible 3-D papercraft template from a 50 year old magazine which bragged it would “only take several hours” plus “extra supplies” to produce a tiny, disappointing model van that would fall apart almost instantly. The correct answer here was to flip us off with both hands and go surfing. We didn’t expect anybody to actually enter. Only a lunatic would bother.

Naturally, it was the most popular part of this year’s contest.

Bobgrenville made a Mountain Monsters trap van! Nevermind that all vans are already traps, this one has a cannon!

Ashida Kim, The Ninja Himself submitted this kick-ass kumite van! It’s such an honor to have you here, Mr. Kim. Have we mentioned we’re huge fans of both your ninjutsu and lovemaking?

BorsukKumpelRyb submitted the Vanimal, the only van that can turn into any animal, slowly, over the course of ten minutes, while sweating in quiet agony!

G0m knows that vans are inherently funny, and don’t need any spicing up to get a laugh. Although just the hint of tragic suicide does give this punchline a bit of umami.

Jeff Orasky gave us another BIGFEETS van! There’s just something about bigfoot and vans that go well together, except for in one notable case. We’ll talk about that later!

Jake and the Masked Middle-Schooler gave us this van, which doesn’t need a name or submission form when it has that sweet-ass wizard-dragon getting blasted on the side.

We’ve seen several Mountain Monsters themed vans already, but only Fakerson’s commemorates the time a bigfoot exploded out of Uncle Leroy’s old party van.

We reward genius here, even if we immediately threw this submission in a biohazard container because of all the caustic bigfoot moonshine piss. Fakerson, you are the winner of the very first 1900HOTDOG Design Your Own Bitchin’ Custom Van Contest (3-D Edition)! You will be sent a prize of incalculable physical value, which, according to the exchange rates, seems like it’s worth about 1.25 times the esteem of your peers.


Every time we announce a contest, we’re actually also announcing the winner: It’s Gellaho. No idea what he’s going to do, but we know it’s something insane that takes an amount of work beyond a normal, properly medicated human. And so it was with his submission this year, the Anti-Grav Unlimited, modeled after one of the countless terrible paperbacks he livereads with the Discord every single Friday.

A few folks were mad enough to actually print out the papercraft template, build it, and decorate it. One other person was even crazy enough to build a diorama for it. Only Gellaho also turned the whole thing into a fucking sweet-ass home for an iguana.*

*The iguana is theoretical.

Congratulations, Gellaho! You are the winner of your very own contest, because it’s simply not fair to the others that you play in the same space, in much the same way it is not fair to let a medieval knight with full plate and Zweihander play pee wee soccer.

Vanning off,

One reply on “The 2025 1900Hotdog Design Your Own Bitchin’ Custom Van Contest (3-D Edition!)”

If you really want to get the proper Van Monsters #8 experience, download the powerpoint rather than use the google docs in-browser viewer because you lose the transitions. I will also post the full joined jpg (the version included on the entry ballot) and cbz to the discord and I’d like to see the metrics but I assume it will drive a rush to subscribe and get that sweet contest content. (I’m beatopuente on the discord)

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