
Hot Dog Store: Seanbabies Tidbits

Please ensure you have adequate receptacles for cute puns and hunky buns.

Look at those little guys, just having the time of their lives.

These came out a few weeks ago, but I’m not sure everyone saw them the first time. I haven’t seen a single mention of it in Milan yet, but you know how it goes in Italy. So once again, women’s style cut shirts available right now in our shop for you to buy, today.

You need the classic style shirt? Check this out

It’s real, baby! And it is available right now! Our classic style shirt that you know and love, now with all the SEANBABIES on it. I don’t know if I am supposed to type it in all caps, but that’s how it looks from here so SEANBABIES it is!

I can think of 1000 ways to have fun wearing one of our awesome tank tops. I bet if I had this, I could think of at least one more.

Oh, wait, just thought of one!

Getting this incredible illustration on one of our super cool thick paper prints! You get 24 by 36 full inches of TIDBITS fun, anywhere you decide to put it!

In Vault news: smuggle a lil’ Jimmy Jiggles into work. It’s a felony.

This bad boy is only available in the vault. I tried to ask AI to write a paragraph here to explain how the shirt feels and give you the details but I think it broke

Anyway, this guy got one, and we haven’t heard from him for almost two weeks! He must be very happy with his purchase and is probably totally fine.

Look at that glowing review! Incredible. If you also want clothing that does not immediately set on fire when worn, be sure to poke around in the vaults. I’m not gonna link it because it’s a vault, you gotta open it yourself!

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