It’s the Dogg Zzone 9000 Episode Nine! It’s the day Brockway decided we were getting to the bottom of something that’s been bothering us for months: Heathcliff comics. For instance, what’s going on with them, and what the fuck is going on with them? They’re absurdist in a world with no rules, or are they? They’re bad jokes posing as anti-jokes, or are they? There’s a good chance we didn’t solve it.
Still, to make the journey into insanity more pleasant(?) we invited superstar voice actress Fryda Wolff (Apex Legends, Cyberpunk 2077, Mass Effect 3, Trolls, The Mighty Ones) to join us. Listen to her get disappointed in Heathcliff, and us, as she describes and narrates each of the magical(?) cat’s adventures! You can stop reading and go listen now or scroll past the HOT gentleman square dancers to Brockway’s carefully(?) curated Heathcliff cartoons and follow along.
Subscribe and review! And be sure to fun us on Hamflag! Heathcliff the show on Meathat! Tell your friends to leave 5 Rejoices on GarbageApe!
Oh, and in Extra Weiner, the bonus episode available on our Discord server, the three of us watch a sizzle reel for Cocktails, an independent-made drama(?) about a war between Good and Evil set against the backdrop of the Castro gay bar scene. It fucking rules, and it’s the subject of our next Teamworking Day. Okay, here are the HOT gentleman square dancers from the unmade TV sensation Cocktails you need to scroll past to get to the meat tank children love(?) so much. Am I making sense? I feel like I’m not making sense. Does my helmet say ASS or HAM? Wait, don’t tell me.