
Hot Dog Store: Sgt. Bigfeet’s Lonely AIMS Team Band

Featuring the hit single “Wild Bill in the Tree with Chainsaws.”

NEW MERCH TIME! This week we have one hell of an image to show you. You need to click through to see this thing in all of its glory, these little preview images don’t do it justice.

You can get an idea, sure, but trust me, click on this link right here that I am typing and now have typed and you have read and are getting ready to click on no go back stop reading the sentence go click on it and then come back and finish reading the sentence about our ultra comfy women’s cut shirts. Ok did you do that? Great! Did you see how jam-packed the image on the shirt is? WILD, RIGHT?

Again, you are gonna have to trust me, if you didn’t click through last time, take this time to visit the page for our classic cut shirts and really look at the picture on it. It’s got at least one Shaq!

And you know we have it available as a premium print 18”x24” poster, because this beauty is art, and everyone who visits your house should know what you are into. Heck, buy it for a friend and put it up in their house so they have to look at it every day. Figure out a way to make one of those HALO ring planet things or like that movie with matt damon and he was all angry and they had health care or something, Downsizing? I don’t know. Anyway, first person to do that and get the ring to go around the entire planet and have it show the poster to everyone on earth gets a free candy bar, and probably a shirt.