It was the best of times, it was the end of times. It was all times and no time at all. It was the Great Transversing of the Nameless Ones in our world. In 2021, as every year, it would be opposed by the sacrificial offerings of The Pumblechook & Figg
Holidays Catalog of Boxing-Day Gifts.

If youβre feeling giving this holiday season, Brendan recommends All Hearts & Hands.
This article was brought to you by our fine sponsor and Hot Dog Supreme, Neil Bailey, who is all leg and very little torso and is looking for his brother.
8 replies on “Upsetting Day: The Pumblechook & Figg Catalogue of the Christ-Mass 2021 π”
Sorry for making fun of how you talk if you are British, but it’s your own fault for living to be 140.
oi my entire family are fart farmers, ive been a fart farmer myself eight years man and boy. It’s a noble profession.
Not to worry, Iβm from the West Country, and therefore sound more like a sexy pirate. And I donβt look a day over 97.
Too long has it been since our realm has been blessed with the Pumblechook and Figg Catalogue of delights most mysterious and avaricious. Three cheers most lusty for our man of the hour Ser McGinley!
Mr. McGinley,
Well played goodsir.
A pleasant and prosperous yuletide to thee.
With Appreciation,
I usually try and joke along in the comments, but this article has me stunned.
Such an amazing interplay of insight, intellect, and jest! I feel like I clicked a link to watch an entertaining video, and was instead presented with one of those films that deserves to win all the oscars (but ends up losing to a bunch of industry crap). Truly amazing!
I wasn’t expecting to find allusions to Smedley Butler’s unmasking of the Business Plot and also James Joyce’s intense fart-horniness in a single article. Christmas miracle?
I am reasonably confident I could defeat the Tiny-Legged Lad in mortal combat but not if he has the Hand Axe.