
Learning Day: Become a Man of Confi-DANCE

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7 replies on “Learning Day: Become a Man of Confi-DANCE”

I dunno, a cruise ship gigolo (or at least gigolo adjacent) has the sort of overweening delusional confidence masking endless jags of nothingness that I can really inspire towards.

Thanks Lydia, I laughed out loud like a lunatic at my kid’s swim lesson. Other parents will now be keeping their dis-DANCE.

> …unless you were cursed by a wizard to only read books you hate? I work with men like that, but it seems like a pretty small target audience.

Holy crap you’ve actually _solved_ 1900HOTDOG

“what if I ask the queen of England to do the worm“

I’d say this is entirely possible now.

I can appreciate the “Learning How To Want Things” method of education:

I was top of my class in Being Curious About Physics 101, and received high marks in Wishing I Knew More About History, Pondering The Concept of English Literature, and Introduction To Looking Up The Definition Of Philosophy Someday.

I remember sitting in class while esteemed professors regaled us with the titles of lectures other professors were currently giving…

My senior thesis was the photocopied definition of the word “thesis” from Webster’s Dictionary…

…I graduated Magna Cum Laude.

(actually, a bunch of my friends and family gathered to tell me how great it would have been if I had graduated–but that’s basically the same thing)

This is exactly how Don Diebel would teach dancing:

It tells you nothing useful, may actually make you WORSE at the thing it’s supposedly teaching, it’s disturbingly sexualized in all the wrong places…

…and you’re torn between hating the author for being an obvious grifter, and pitying him knowing he’s going to die alone and unloved.

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