It’s Dogg Zzone 9000 Day, and this week Defector co-founder Dan McQuade returns to share his expertise on the Civil War. More specifically, the time Hulk Hogan won it for the South using only a superboat, a remote control grenade launcher, fifteen laser guns, and an XXXL Victorian gown. That’s right, we’re finally doing a show on episode 9 of Thunder in Paradise, “Gettysburg Change of Address”!
Listen here or wherever you get podcasts!
As you certainly remember from when it first aired in 1994, it’s the episode with the skeleton mystery and the big Sea-Doo race where Hulk Hogan used Civil War costumes to trick an Army captain into thinking he had traveled through time in order to win a laser tag battle which was also a murder scheme.

Podcast illustrated by Brett Ellefson
3 replies on “Podcasting Day: Thunder in Paradise with Dan McQuade 🌭”
As a Calgarian, my loathing of Hogan (an intensification of the lighter disdain for the embodiment of entitled jingoism) really cemented when, at eleven, I saw a vhs of Wrestlemania IX. I never blamed Yokozuna for taking the cheap win off of Bret Hart because Hogan’s subsequent immediate, impromptu 30 second victory over the exhausted sumo drove an iron tamping rod of ironic understanding into my brain and changed me forever.
“This is… BULLSHIT! Hogan?! He is bullshit! WWF is bullshit! America and the hierarchies of power that define my life are bullshit! Smash the world’s shell!”
Fun fact: although I’m on the other end of Canada (in New Brunswick), I was, is and will be a huge Bret Hart mark myself, and this made me turn on Hogan so hard that I stopped watching WCW for a good year or so when he showed up there and replaced all of my favorite WCW guys with his washed up friends.
Very excited for this pod episode. I don’t remember any specific episodes of Thunder in Paradise, but I know it existed. When it was airing I would try to talk about the show and even the Hulkamaniacs would give me blank stares. I’m just glad to have someone else confirm it happened. And that it was as bad as I remember