
Learning Day: Martini Ranch’s “Reach”

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7 replies on “Learning Day: Martini Ranch’s “Reach””

Ahhh HELL! I looked at Paxvision through my Swayzevision glasses and the Near Dark/Roadhouse crossover my mind saw through the timespace rip was so awesome I may never be able to enjoy another movie again. Better go watch Predator 18 times again without blinking.

Hang on, Bud Cort is still alive? Why the fuck isn’t he cast in everything?!?

….Wait, Bud Cort was in *Pumping Iron*?!?!?!?
Did someone bring him so they could stand next to him during a competition? I’m pretty sure that’s the one thing bodybuilders consider doping

Please never mention Bill Paxton wrangling his hog through town again. Or write about nothing else, I’m not sure which.

…Inexplicably, yeah, you’re right. Would. I thought I’d come to terms with a deep weakness for gremlin looking men but usually they’re not Bill Paxton, you know?

I think I can safely say THIS was the high point of human art. We will not see its like again…

Brockway you magnificent bastard…

Now I HAVE to join your accursed Patreon.

I cannot allow an article about Martini Ranch go unread… especially if it’s on 1-900-Hotdog.

That’s basically Internet Christmas for someone with my tastes🥰🥰🥰

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