
Fucking Day: 469 Sex Questions

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6 replies on “Fucking Day: 469 Sex Questions”

1) Jeremy is a good name for a pair of silk boxers you receive but don’t wear because your balls pop out.
2) So, the second they invented yogurt they started putting honey or fruit to sweeten it because plain yogurt is gross. Still, too much sugar only hastens the inevitable sex yogurt yeast infection. I am going to go with a gooseberry and chocolate sex skyr company with my investment.
3) I’d tell sex puppets 1-14 to take a good look at these, then flash them my belly on which I will have written, “Please stop ❤️🙏🏼”. Nothing you can do for it though, sex puppet 15 is going to have to go down, hard.
4) Same answer for both as Jackie delivers me a simultaneous grand et petit mort with a Huffy.

If someone suggests an erotic puppet show, it is far too late. All the exits are sealed. It’s going to be a long night, but by morning, your corpse will be in their freezer.

Hum.. Maybe I’m the weird one here but, doesn’t improvise sex toy sounds like a terrible idea? You people get into random rooms and start rubbing/inserting objects in your sexy parts? Is this an American thing? Please let me know so I can wear a full body condom next time I visit.

1: No
2: Greek
3: A priest and lots of sticky traps
4: Lacrosse stick and ironically
5: The same Lacrosse stick

Jackie Chan* climax: One of those sawhorse-looking benches that gets used as a weapon in every movie.
Jackie Chan killer: Mesothelioma from all the talcum powder kicks.

*Typed “JC climax” and that’s even weirder.

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