
Fucking Day: How to Pick Up Girls!

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So, uh, this guy sold 3 million copies of it, according to a seven paragraph biography written by “E.W.” on Eric Weber’s imdb page. Apparently “How to Pick Up Girls!” – which has multiple editions on Amazon – was made into a failed pilot repackaged as a tv movie in 1978, starring Fred McCarren (best known as Frank Dannon in the Remington Steele episode, “Altared [sic] Steele”) as the nerdy writer Donald Becker, Desi Arnaz Jr as the cool buddy that takes him under his wing to help him subdue women, and Richard Dawson as Becker’s creepy photographer boss.

The main plot point is that Becker gets so accidentally good at picking up women that he sleeps with Dawson’s supermodel girlfriend.

To get back to the bio, Eric Weber then became a top ad executive until he decided that he had enough money and wanted to get back to his first love: making movies. Here are a couple quotes from the bio, which are familiar and revealing:

“Eric’s Tenafly works have found much acclaim, with his film ‘Second Best’ becoming an official selection at Sundance, Austin, and The Hamptons Film Festivals. The New York Times called it, ‘A funny bitter understanding of male competition and ego. This smart-enough-to-make-you-squirm comedy is ripe with brutal honesty and perverse glee.’”

“ ‘JUST JULIANA’ a horror-satire in which a beautiful young actress is lured to New York City by a sleazy movie producer with the promise of starring in a major movie, but soon discovers she’s been tricked, and plots her revenge on the producer and his wealthy cronies.”

Things have worked out for him in his personal life as well, not just as a marketing hack and presumably self-funded small scale filmmaker. In paragraph 6/7 he mentions that he “is also an avid golfer and a devoted family man, belongs to three country clubs and having [sic] four kids with his wife of nearly fifty years, Joanna.” After that single sentence, the paragraph immediately veers to talking about his shitty movies.

He also wrote and directed an episode of Suits, or so I thought til I clicked on the title and realised it was actually a movie. About coming up with funny taglines to sell pads to women based off how disgusting women smell:

“ A deodorant company with a product called “Smell No Mo” pits two rival ad agencies in a race to come up with a campaign for a new-fangled sanitary napkin called Vorcan. The advertising satire follows the New York firm of Cranston & Co. as they fight rival Hoffman & Partners. Cranston fires his creative director which puts a young copywriter with a literature degree on the front line, even though he doesn’t want to be. The contest comes down to a schmaltzy campaign by Hoffman with music by Air Supply that uses the tagline “Vorcan: your own personal air supply.” or a more down to earth campaign from Cranston of “The pad ain’t bad!””

Imagine finding out your grandfather wrote out his rape fantasies and someone tried to make a TV show from them.

I’ve been reading these articles naked for 3 weeks now, and feel it’s how it was meant to be.

I thought the key to picking up women was bending your knees and keeping your back straight. How wrong I was.

He just straight up said all the quiet parts out loud and right at the beginning huh? If only all creeps were this upfront, it would save everyone a lot of time, especially investigators

This guy just said that he sees beautiful women and thinks about raping them, and he feels comfortable enough to assume that you also are completely on board with the idea of raping hotties. The 70s fucking SUCKED and I feel sorry for every woman who had to live through it.

“For an instant you even consider rape…”

No, Eric. I don’t. What the fuck is wrong with you?

The most disturbing part of this line–which may be the most horrible seven words in the most upsetting book in Seanbaby’s entire accursed library–is the context:

Eric Weber is opening with an anecdote designed to relate a universal experience–something men all over the world will read and think: “Yup! Been there!”

And it’s about actively stalking, completely objectifying, and considering forcing yourself upon a stranger who was unfortunate enough to enter your field of vision…

…you know? Like EVERY man has at some point.

Women in Weber’s reality may be clueless, oversexed, bored co-dependents who aren’t allowed to work interesting jobs or enjoy sports…

ó you…but at least they aren’t predators just one self-esteem boost from a sexual assault conviction.

I’ll bet Eric and Joanna used to gather their four kids together every Thanksgiving and tell the beautiful, romantic tale of how Mom and Dad met:

Dad saw her on the bus, and KNEW he just had to get his hands on her awesome rocking tits. So he followed her to ballet class and complimented her knees.

Mom was THRILLED. A man was paying attention to her, and being so bored and horny from not being allowed to work or play tennis she was eager to give it up to the first man who talked to her.

After Dad spent a few minutes talking dirty so she would know he was sexy and @ about banging her, Mom invited him to a hotel for sex, even though Dad was on his way to the hospital to see Grandma before she died.

Mom and Dad banged like monkeys all night, and the next morning he proposed ❤️

The story gets better every time Dad tells it😊

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