
Upsetting Day: Epic Benders

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8 replies on “Upsetting Day: Epic Benders”

I love you. I love this website….but England and Wales aren’t different countries. Any kind of punishment applied in England will also apply in Wales because of how our laws are written and the different powers of devolved governments in Scotland and Northern Ireland. The country (at least for now, as independence movements are gaining traction) is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; calling them different countries would be like calling California and Arizona separate nations

I love you and I love your comment but I do look stuff up first. Take your pick of sources. Here’s the BBC. “Wales is a country. A nation. We have our own laws. We have a Government, a legislature… Wales was a principality, once upon a time. But that was in 1542. 472 years ago… 472 years. In 2008 the Welsh Government issued a statement on this very issue: ‘Wales is not a principality. Although we are joined with England by land, and we are part of Great Britain, Wales is a country in its own right.’

Thank you, sir.

Being one-quarter Welsh by blood, this is the kind of assumption that upsets me in the way only natural born Americans with a vague biological connection to a country they will probably never visit and whose status has absolutely no effect on their lives CAN be upset.

It’s the time-honored way American white privilege cosplays national/ethnic identity and pride…and its sacred to we, the proud Sons and Daughters of (fill in foreign country here).

Just as before, I am very relieved I did not show up in this article.

Thank you again for your kindness, Brockway.

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