
Fucking Day: What I learned About the Female Sexuality from Feminism Author Jill Emerson šŸŒ­

Yes this is a new thing for me to be able to type not just in the comments maybe some of you know me from their but if you donā€™t my name is sissyneck. I donā€™t remember how I heard about this hot dog kickstarter but probably i was on my grandson Traytonsā€™ fire tablet after a few busch lites and the next thing I know these nice people starting sending me emails every day and some of them were pretty funny! I e-mailed them back everyday to be polite for about 3 months but I donā€™t think those were going through so now i push the button at the bottom of the email and try to do my part in the comments and now they said I could write more here!

Well What i preciate most about this outfit is that while weā€™re waiting for the hotdog machine or service or whatever to get done they have people write about things you might not have seen in the world and that is called exploration and growing your perspective so I thought I would share a thing in my life that has made me think different, for me. And maybe it can for you too:

So it is books that has been one of the biggest types of exploring for me since I was little even back in Tumwater, WA. mostly back then I just read a book if it had a dog in it like Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing had a dog named Turtle! So i checked out another one by the same lady called Then Again Maybe i Wonā€™t and there were sadly no dogs BUT there were parts in it like when a boy is interested in girl parts and also has to hide his own parts one time in class that I did not know would be in a book. And it sorta made me think some things I thought only happened to me maybe happen to other people and books might have value more than ā€œthis boy right here is a great dog.ā€™ For example recently i have been learnin more about what my wife Lareneā€™s life is like and in ways different than my own. Like when we watch true crimes she is sometimes bothered more or differnt than me cuz lots of times its the bad things happening to women more than man and she is my Dear Heart and I thought I would try to learn more about that kind of thing and use books. I started with my favorite author Mr Stephen King and re-read Carrie to learn about periods and hairbrushes and a couple The Girl With The Dragon Tattoos books to learn that a girl can have a autism too, and accidentally once got 1Q84 (I meant to get 1984 because everyone always says ā€œthis is like 1984ā€ so much i wanted to know why) and so that was another one with a autism but now in Japan. But then when I was kinda trying out talking about some of the things i learned from these books with LaRene like isnā€™t it interesting that women describe their own breasts to themselves all the time and she kinda snorted and said ā€œThat sounds like what men THINK women do.ā€ And i realized most of my learning about women was coming from A Male Gaze and i should read more what a WOMAN has wrote. 

So next time the bookmobile came i specially looked for female authors and found one called Enough of Sorrow by female author Jill Emerson and I learned a lot i thought. AND it was pretty dirty but LaRene and i have gone to some of the StrongMarriage classes at the church here and even though it was in church they still talked about sexualities and it ainā€™t about ashamed like it used to be in church now you can have Open and Curious With and About Your Partnerā€™s Sexuality so i donā€™t feel so bad about having dirty books anymore.

So I kept looking for more books from Jill Emerson and they was all pretty good even this one that looked like it was maybe a CBS show. 

But i was confused about why they started to say a manā€™s name on the cover too and why you see a lot of pictures of this old guy when you look for pictures of Jill Emerson.

But it looks like he writes other books.

And i figure maybe heā€™s her agent and itā€™s like when those sumbitch nashville producers gave themselves a songwriting credit to get more money so iā€™m onto you Mr. Block.

So now i just read another one by Jill Emerson that had a interesting cover and holy cow i learned just a bunch more about a womans sexuality that I NEVER knew and the book is pretty racy so even though i want to share about what i learned with you all and practice Open and Curious it is as the lady said a Ongoing Process so I might have to do a lil censoring sometimes which i will do with this what the HOTDOG artists made for me:

Well Getting Off is about a woman and she changes her names a lot and I donā€™t wanna do actual spoilers so letā€™s just say she has many ā€œencountersā€ in the book but along the way I learned about Femininity some of these things:

On snacks: 

For Breakfast:

Soft Drinking:

Dining Out: 

Exotic locals: 

French History:  

How to navigate tricksome cultural differences: 

Racial sensitivity: 

Mormons again: 

The last mormon one: 

And here we learn about when theirs no guys around what might happen with-

How they talk:

How they enjoy vehicles:

What they do in there in the bathroom: 

This one there were a few things in this book i thought probably most woman would NOT like in a sexual way but Jill has assisted me to check my assumptions for example-

Bad smell in a sexual fashion:  

Not changing clothes and bad smell:

Untidy environment and bad smell agin: 

Bad smell one more time: 

Bad smell and okay maybe he just died all this time: 

So here we see that if we can learn more about the enrich flavour of all humanity if only we take the time to listen to people who are different than us. Imagine how limited I as a Man would be if I just only read about what other men thought who women are or maybe what they hope they are because of their own shortcoming and insecurities and I just hope we can all seek it out. Dont have to be books even movies can help or video games or hell just a cup of coffee at the maverik with a new friend thank you In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.