
Podcasting Day: March Podcast Roundup… Again!

I think we did it. We had the March Podcast Roundup but it was for the February podcasts. But now here we are in March still with the March Podcast Roundup again! But this time it is for the March podcasts! Wow, our long national nightmare is over! Exclamation Point!

What a month though! Alex Schmidt upset us with Holy Heroes Catholic Legos, Merritt K followed that up by upsetting us with Dr. Cooper and his Friends, Lydia Bugg showed us all the fucking that happens at sea with Doctor Odyssey, and Brockway nerded out in what can only be some sort of wholesome puppet based story with CyberKnight and the Hand Puppet Commandos, Part 1. I’m sure it can’t get crazier.

Oh yeah, and we witnessed HUNK WEEK! We had Lydia take us through Fabio Fitness, Dennard dissecting Letters to Playgirl, Merritt sharing the legend of Big Lenny, Zak Koonce explaining Hunk the Movie, and finished the whole thing off with Seanbaby and Brockway double teaming Chippendales Presents Tall Dark and Handsome. It was a glorious week. Even the podcast was about dumb sexy hunks, take a look for yourself:

Dogg Zzone 9000 – Episode 217, Dante’s Cove with Lydia Bugg

Seanbaby & Robert Brockway welcome back special guest, Lydia Bugg to the DOGGZZONE! It’s HUNK WEEK at the DOGGZZONE so get your lube ready, no more… I don’t think you understand, MORE. Now slather it all over and get ready for some skinemax style hunks the likes of which you’ve probably seen if you’re a fan of Green Arrow! They’re young, dumb and showin’ buns, they are the magical himbo hunks of Dante’s Cove! Seriously though… MORE LUBE.

Listen on SoundCloud.

Watch the animated podcast on YouTube.

Dogg Zzone 9000 – Episode 218, Joy of the Quicky with Fryda Wolff

Seanbaby & Robert Brockway welcome back special guest, Fryda Wolff to the DOGGZZONE! We’d like you to take a moment to think about the sex lives of the DOGGZZONE… it’s ok, totally consensual. Really think about it. What do you imagine? It’s probably very oily, a little funky, VERY hunky… a little chunky? NO. PREMATURE EJACULATION EVERY TIME. ALL THE TIME. Find out more than you EVER wanted to know about just how quick a quickie can be as long suffering Fryda Wolff forgoes flailingly futile gambits to maintain sanity in the musty dank that is, THE DOGGZZONE.

Listen on SoundCloud.

Watch the animated podcast on YouTube.

Dogg Zzone 9000 – Episode 219, BLADESMEN: Wacky Underwater Adventure! with Michael Swaim

The DOGGZZONE welcomes back Michael Swaim for a fan favorite, (and by fan we mean Robert and by favorite we mean excuse to record a podcast.) That’s right, it’s another episode of BLADESMEN! Ocean Edition Volume: Guh? We find our hero’s right where we left off… having done something, somewhere and at some point in time! No time for lukewarm adventure? Skip to the end for the darkest of PxRNHUB’s most nefarious categories!

Listen on SoundCloud.

Watch the animated podcast on YouTube.

Dogg Zzone 9000 – Episode 220, DOGFIGHT! with Zak Koonce

The DOGGZZONE welcomes back Zak Koonce! Somewhere between reckless violence, quizzical boredom, and a failed Rosetta Stone course, lay DOGFIGHT: Wild Tournament 3! Hop into the fight sedan, now glance at a capoeira poster… you are now wildly overqualified to swing savagely into oblivion with the DOGGZZONE!

Listen on SoundCloud.

Watch the animated podcast on YouTube.

But that’s not all, our boys were busy getting caught up in some BIGFEETS drama. Sorry to leave you on THE MOTHER OF ALL CLIFFHANGERS this month.

BIGFEETS Episode 41 – Phantom of the Forest

This episode of Mountain Monsters is brought to you by Bass Pro Shop apparently (?) The AIMS team is on another wild hunt for a rather mild BIGFOOT… have the boys lost their lust for huntin’ squatch? Are poachers the new cryptid? Who farted? Trick question. The AIMS team is never not farting… but there’s another scent in the air, could it be the winds of change? We’llll see!

Listen on SoundCloud.

Watch the video podcast on YouTube.

BIGFEETS Episode 42 – Return of the Rogue Team PT. 1

Remember the Rogue Team? Sure, we all do… well, except for the AIMS team up until recently. Thrill as a blubbery gang of hard boiled eggs chase a phantom sasquatch death squad around time’s flat circle! Check your GPS, we’re going on a trip. Destination: MOUNTAIN MONSTERS!

Listen on SoundCloud.

Watch the video podcast on YouTube.

As always, you get access to this for free, but if you sign up as a Hot Dog Hero on the Patreon, you get access to all the extra bits too. So many jokes and stories waiting for you!

That’s it for now, subscribe to the podcasts and our YouTube channel so I don’t have to keep reminding you.




Ok, bye.